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*Should I forgive him or not?*

After forgiving him for countless of times, was it worth it to forgive him again? Would he treat you better? Would he repeat his mistake? A lot of questions lingered in your head at that moment.

"Taehee?" Jungkook waved his hand in front of your face, chasing your thoughts away.

He noticed the consternation on your face, questions in your eyes.

*I don't know!* you shook your head irritably, leaving a confused look on his face.

Jungkook got even more puzzled when you turned around and walked out from the store all of a sudden. He heaved a long sigh, before trailing you from behind at a slow speed.

You kept on walking aimlessly, legs moving deliberately until someone abruptly stood in front of you, blocking your way completely. V was crossing his arms while pouting, sulking a little at being left behind.

"Where did you go? Here, your card." He handed it back to you, still pouting.


"Hyung? What's with your hair?" Jungkook suddenly interrupted from behind.

He walked to your side, and stole a glance at you who looked somehow irritated.

"He isn't Taehyung, idiot." You scoffed before walking to his side, "He is his twin brother, V."

You stuck your tongue out at Jungkook before dragging V away with you. Jungkook couldn't help but to feel frustrated looking at the two of you from behind. He was indeed shocked at your statement about Taehyung having a twin brother, but he was actually more shocked looking at how close you two looked.

"What's wrong with her all of a sudden? Tsk."


"You're leaving?" Your lips puckered in disappointment, looking at V with his luggage.

You were about to go to bed early when you suddenly heard your bell rang. When you opened the door, V was smiling to you with a luggage by his side.

"Yeah. By the way, you should give this to Taehyung yourself." He handed you a paper bag which contained the sweatshirt that you bought for Taehyung earlier.

"Thank you for the sweatshirt. Sorry that I didn't get anything for you but.." he paused.

He began to look around before locking his gaze on yours.

"..just so you know, I love you, so much." He shyly grinned, making you speechless at the sudden confession.

"How I hope, I am the father to your child." He added, eyes fell on the floor.

He put his white cap on and waved his hand to you whose face had turned bright red, "Bye."

He then walked away, leaving you who was still stunned at what just happened. Everything happened in a blink of an eye. Soon, he vanished from your sight.

V was waiting for the elevator doors to open when someone suddenly grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall.

"What was that? Who do you think you're to confess your love to my wife!" Jungkook groaned as he tightened the grip on his collar even more.

V merely smirked, "I love her.. as a friend."

"What—" he furrowed his eyebrows, the line sounded so familiar to him.

Without a warn, he was pushed to the back. V quickly fixed his collar before sending him an annoyed look.

"Why? Are you mad? Hurt? Disgusted?" He paused before continuing, "Because that's what she felt."

My Cruel Husband 2 || Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now