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4 hours just passed since Jungkook left but you already missed him. He should have arrived in Japan already but you received nothing from him. No calls, no messages.

You could barely focus on your work because for the whole time, you were waiting for his call. You decided not to call him first, as you feared that he might be busy.

Without him around, it felt really empty. Just like that time when your dad moved to Busan to manage his small company there. But at that time, it was different since Jungkook was there to fill the emptiness.

Your thoughts then were disturbed by the sound of your phone, vibrating on the table. You quickly reached for it to check, thinking that it was from Jungkook but no.

Jimin was the one who sent you the message, inviting you for a lunch.


Once you entered the cafe, you immediately spotted Jimin sitting in the corner of the quiet cafe. But he wasn't alone.

His girlfriend, Yujin was there too.

This made you wonder why he invited you for a lunch in the cafe when he was with his girlfriend. Definitely, it would only make you awkward later.

"Taehee!" Jimin suddenly called your name loudly while waving frantically at you and gesturing you to come over.

Though there wasn't much people there, it was still embarrassing. To avoid the weird stares they were giving you, you quickly made your way towards both of them.

Once you arrived there, Jimin suddenly forced you to sit on the chair beside him by pulling your handbag.

*What the heck?*

"Yujin-ah, meet my new girlfriend, Taehee." He smirked while you froze there in confusion.

*What the bloody hell is happening?*

Yujin instantly frowned, sending a cold glare to you while crossing her arms.

"She is just your friend. You asked her to come over here to act along with you, right?" She turned her gaze back to Jimin, this time glaring at him.

You had no idea what was happening but you could see that Jimin looked  nervous indeed. Probably scared of her.

"You don't believe me? Taehee, show her your ring." He ordered and you just obeyed him by putting your hand on the table.

Everything was so sudden but you could sense that he really needed your help.

"Look, Yujin." He put his hand next to yours with a familiar ring on.

"We even have our couple ring. Is this not enough to prove our relationship?" Jimin evilly smirked at her only to get spilled with water all over his face.

She glared at him, eyes were full of fire. Without saying anything, she then stomped out from the cafe.

"Yah pabo where did you get that ring from?! That's Jungkook's!"

"I borrowed this from him.." He said while wiping his face with a piece of tissue before proceeding with a low voice, "..without his permission."

You gritted your teeth, "Why did you that?"

"I have my own reason."

"But you don't have to steal his ring!"

"I had to! She just won't break up with me." Jimin sighed as he closed his eyes in frustration.

He had no choice but to go that far as Yujin was so stubborn and didn't want to break up with him. He tried to do everything to end the relationship but he always failed to do so.

"Are you using me to break up with her?"

"You're not being used, Taehee-yah. You helped me out." Jimin laughed while you stayed serious.

He quickly fixed his position and cleared his throat, realizing that he was the only one laughing. He felt awkward and stupid in the same time.

"You gotta explain all of this to Jungkook as soon as possible. You don't know how much he treasured that ring."

"Fine, imma tell him now." He sighed as he took his phone out, dialed Jungkook's number and turned the speaker phone on.

Both of you waited patiently for him to answer the call. Somehow, you felt nervous and excited in the same time.



"JUNGKOOK-AH~" Jimin exclaimed as he slightly pushed you aside with his head to get closer to the phone.

He looked way more excited than you.

"Oh, hyung. What do you want?"

"I finally broke up with Yujin." He giggled.

"How did you make her agree to finally break up with you?"

Jimin paused and glanced at you.

"Well, Taehee helped me out."

"Taehee? What did you ask her to do?" Jungkook asked. Somehow, he had this bad feeling once Jimin mentioned your name.

"Well.. I'm sorry I told Yujin that Taehee is my new girlfriend. And sorry Jungkook-ah, I have your wedding ring."

Jungkook remained silent for a few seconds. The only thing that both of you heard after that was..

Tutt.. tutt..

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