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"Don't touch me." Jungkook groaned as he roughly pushed her hand away with an annoyed look on his face.

Yujin had been crossing her line since the crash happened. She kept on clinging on him, making Jungkook felt extremely uncomfortable. Sometimes, she would purposely tripped just to touch him too.

"Where are you going?" She frowned as she watched him heading to the door, still looking so irritated.

"To see my wife, of course." He rolled his eyes and closed the door behind him, leaving Yujin alone in the office.

She couldn't take it anymore.


With a box of fried chicken in his right hand, Jungkook used his left hand to open the door to your room. He swung the door a little and peeped through the slightly ajar door.

There, he saw Jackson handing out a bouquet of roses to you who seemed ridiculously happy at the gift.

"Aww, thank you. How come you're sweeter than my husband. He never gave me flowers before." You grinned while staring at the velvet roses.

At that exact moment, both of you heard someone coughing repeatedly from somewhere close. You lifted your eyes up to find where the sound was coming from only to see Jungkook slowly making your way to your bedside.

"I've something to do, so see you next time. Get well soon." Jackson smiled before nodding his head to Jungkook and stepped out from the room.

Though Jungkook didn't say anything to him, he knew that he wished for him to leave as soon as possible.

After the two of you were left alone, Jungkook took a seat on his usual chair and put the box of fried chicken on the small table in front of him. Your nose immediately twitched as the smell of something hot and delicious reached you.

"He's sweeter than me, huh?" he scoffed and crossed his arms.

You shifted your gaze from the chicken to his face and awkwardly laughed, "You're sweet too."

He furrowed his brows and quickly snatched the fried chicken away when he saw your hand trying to reach for it. His eyes fell to the roses on your laps, then to your eyes.

"I bought this chicken for you, but seeing how happy you are to receive those flowers, I don't think that you need this anymore." He said, before opening the box and grabbed the chopsticks.

Jungkook took one of the pieces and then stuffed it into his mouth. He chewed it with slowness, purposely showing off while you were already drooling over the crispy fried chicken.

"I want some too." You innocently pouted, hoping that he would share.

"Eat those flowers then." He said and proceeded to eat.

"They can't be eaten!"

Jungkook lifted his head to you and smirked, "Do I look like I care?"

He continued on eating the chicken in front of you while praising how tasty it tasted, making your tummy growled loudly.

"You're so cruel, Jeon Jungkook." You sighed and just pathetically watched him gobbling down the food all by himself.

You almost cried until he suddenly offered you a piece. "Here. Ah."

He moved it closer to you, making your mouth opened wide. You were fully ready to taste the heaven until his hand made a sudden U-turn and stuffed it into his mouth instead.

Frustrated at his teasing, you quickly closed your mouth back not to look like a complete fool. Jungkook offered you the chicken again, only to repeat his act. You got fooled by him twice.

The third time, Jungkook intended to feed you for real but when he moved his hand closer to you, you grabbed his hand and bit it.

"AHH!" He screamed and quickly pulled his hand away.

He checked on his hand and found a bite mark that you left.

He lifted his head to you and glared, "Did you really have to bite me?!"

Instead of giving him an answer, you stuck your tongue out at him and hid yourself in the blanket. Jungkook fell quiet at the sight of you being mad for real.

Honestly, it wasn't his intention to hurt you. He wasn't even quite sure why he was so upset on the first place and began to act silly. Little did he know, he was just actually jealous of your interaction with another man.

"Taehee," he called your name but received no response from you. He'd no idea what to say, but he'd this feeling that he needed to talk to you.

Jungkook was about to call your name again when the door swung open all of a sudden. A nurse, wearing a white mask walked into the room with a glass of water and a bottle of pills on her tray.

She made her way to your side and shook your body, "It's time to take your medicine."

Slowly, you revealed yourself from the blanket and sat up with your back facing Jungkook. Taking a look at her tray, you frowned a bit.

"Why do I need to take this pill?" You questioned.

"To heal the wound faster," she simply answered and handed you the pill as if she was in a hurry. Perhaps, she had a lot more patients to take care of.

The moment you were about to put the pill into your mouth, someone barged into the room.

It was her, Lee Areum.

"Don't! They are poison pills!" She yelled while breathing heavily.

Shocked with what she just said, you dropped the pills to the floor as they scattered all over.

The nurse just now clenched her fist, rushed to the door and pushed Areum away from blocking her way out. But she quickly stood on her feets again and chased after her.

"Wait here." Jungkook said to you before rushing out to chase after that nurse just now.

Your heart was beating so fast, realizing that you almost swallow the poison pill and die. It scared the hell out of you.

Then, sounds of police sirens echoed at the outside and when you looked throughout the window, there were two police cars parked down there.

"What the hell is going on?" You mumbled, voice shaking in fear.

You slowly made your way back to the bed and just sat there in silent, waiting for Jungkook to come back with news. Your eyes wandered around the room and suddenly, your gaze fell on the fried chicken that Jungkook left.

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