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*What should I say to her? What would be her reaction?* Jungkook sighed as he nervously commenced walking back and forth in front of the door to your room.

The thought of himself confessing to Areum in the car somehow just couldn't leave his mind. It was never his intention to express his feelings to her. He hated himself for doing that and for sure, he regretted it a lot.

Jungkook was quite hesitant to come in, but he still needed to face you, and tell you what happened no matter what. He was sure, that you would forgive him.

After gathering some courage, he slowly spun the doorknob and swung the door open.

However, no one was in the room but himself. It was empty. Jungkook just blankly stood there in confusion, until someone called his name from behind which made him jumped. His eyes snapped open and focused on the nurse who used to take care of you once he turned around.

"Your wife, Song Taehee had left about half an hour ago."


"Talk to me~" Taehyung whined which snapped the thoughts of you away in an instant.

You didn't even realize that Daeul, who came along with Taehyung had already fallen asleep in your arms. Soeul was beside him, watching cartoon on his phone while enjoying her pudding.

You lifted your head up to look at him who was sitting across of you in the kitchen, pouting. He pressed his palms against his cheeks, elbows rested on the table. His cuteness was showing.

"Stop it Tae. I would fall for you if you keep on pouting like that." You weakly laughed.

It was meant as a joke, but not for Taehyung.

"Then fall for me." He said.

The cute pout just now suddenly vanished as it got replaced with a thin line and his gaze sharpened. In just a blink of an eye, his expression changed. At that moment, Taehyung had this solemn face on which he rarely showed.

"Fall in love with me." He mumbled, but was loud enough for you to hear him.

"What?" was all that managed to come out from your mouth.

"Is it wrong if you fall in love with me?" He frowned, making you even more speechless.

Noticing the puzzled look on your face, he suddenly let out a laugh, "Just kidding!"

He continued on laughing all by himself while you didn't, which made him looked like a fool. So, he quickly stopped and cleared his throat.

"I skipped my lunch just to see you. Come on, tell me what made you so upset?" He asked, voice getting deeper.


His eyes gradually grew wide at the name. He'd never expected, that he would hear that name again, to be the one who caused your pain.

"He confessed to Areum, that he still have feelings for her." You bit your lip in vexation as you shut your eyes.

"When? Where?" He clenched his fist, he could feel himself boiling inside.

This, was not the first time he ever felt so mad at Jungkook.

"In his car. He called me to tell me that he was going to stop by the airport to drop Areum off just now. But just when I thought that he'd already hung up, I heard their voices." You answered with your head down before proceeding, "I don't think he realized it."

"So, you listened to their whole conversation?"

You nodded, "I could only hear their voices, I don't know what else happened in the car."

My Cruel Husband 2 || Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now