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"There's something that I need to tell you."

The time had finally arrived. It was time to tell him the news that you'd been keeping by yourself for five weeks. But now that you'd a lot going through your mind, you found yourself suddenly a bit reluctant to tell him about it.

What feared you the most was, if he wouldn't believe that the child was actually his.

"Let me guess," Jungkook spoke up out of the blue, snapping your thoughts that were lingering in your mind immediately. "..you cheated on me?"

Your eyes rolled up as a frustrated sigh escaped your lips, "For the millionth time, no."

"You stole my black underwear?" He tried to guess again and made you bit your lip in frustration this time.

"That was Yoongi and why the heck would I do that?!"

"Fine, I give up. What is it?" He slowly leaned back and looked into your eyes deeply.

Somehow, his dark brown eyes reminded you of the colour of coconut shells at that moment.

Realizing that you were slowly drowning into his stare, you shook your head to clear up your thoughts and willed yourself to confess.

"I'm p—"


You were cut off with a sneeze. It was kinda loud but none of you were sneezing just now which kinda creeped you out.


The familiar voice that came out out of nowhere made both of you frowned in confusion. Jungkook quickly grabbed your phone and checked on the phone screen.

"Jimin is still on the line." He stated.


Before Jimin could explain anything, Jungkook quickly hung up and turned your phone off to avoid any interruption. He fixed his posture and stared into your eyes once again.

"Okay now tell me, what is it?" He softly smiled.

"Well... I'll tell you on 14th February." You smiled back.

Jungkook heaved a sigh and whined, "Just tell me now~ Why must on that date?"

"It's a special date." You laughed seeing how adorable he was.

A small, pure smile slowly formed on his lips. He loved to hear your laughter and it always fluttered him.

"By the way Taehee-yah," he whispered as you hugged him back.


"You're getting fat."


Both you and Jungkook returned to work like usual after that. Only some staffs including Gayeon, in the company who asked about your condition after you disappeared for a week. The others didn't even care while some didn't even realize about your disappearance. Days passed really quick until one night, Jungkook asked you to go out for a late night jog with him at the park.

Once you entered the park, the cold wind brushed against your skin, making you shivered in cold. There were benches for people to sit and jogging tracks were all around the edges of the park. Flowers, bushes grew all around you making it look more pleasant and attractive.

"I'll just take a walk. You can jog alone." You said to Jungkook who began to warm up.

Your back kinda hurt, probably because you worked too much.

"If someone disturbs you, just scream my name out loud." He kissed your cheek before he started to jog on his own.

There was no one there, only you and Jungkook. The air was cold and fresh and only silence lingered in the air. Everything was relaxing, except the sharp pain that you suddenly felt in your head and stomach.

It was so damn hurt, like cramps. The dizziness was too much too, as if you would pass out in anytime. Both of your arms automatically wrapped around your stomach, trying to hold in the pain.

You slowly dragged your feets to one of the benches and seated yourself there. The pain just wouldn't stop.

Not too long after that, Jungkook appeared. He just finished one round.

"Jungkook-ah, I feel sick. I want to go home." You tugged on his shirt using another hand.

"We just arrived about three minutes ago. Let's jog together for once." He laughed and interlocked his hand with yours.

You were in so much pain that you couldn't utter a thing to refuse him and worse, Jungkook didn't believe you. He squeezed your hand tight and dragged you along to the jogging tracks.

"Jungkook! You're too fast!" You whined in pain.

"What? I'm not." He laughed and increased his speed more to tease you. He'd no idea that you were really in pain.

"Jungkook! Stop!" You begged but he didn't listen.

He was having fun, running on the tracks while holding your hand.

"I SAID STOP!" You yanked his hand harshly and tripped to the ground. Something felt extremely weird.

Jungkook immediately stopped and rushed over to check on you.

"Taehee..." he slowly knelt down, brows furrowed anxiously.

His eyes darted frantically on you, searching for any sign that you were alright. But unfortunately, he only saw something he'd never expected to see in his life.

"Why are you bleeding so much?"

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