Chapter 1

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Warnings: None

~Vikk's P.O.V.~




Nngh... What... What is that noise...? ... I can't see anything... And I can't move. Ohhh my head hurts...


That's a bit better... I can feel my arm again... But the rest of me is still stuck. I can't even move my mouth or open my eyes. Okay Vikk... Concentrate...


Just... A little more...


Just like that, all movement returns to my body. I slowly curl my fingers, finding the sensation strange. Which in all honestly is pretty odd seeing as simply moving my fingers shouldn't be such a challenge. But it feels like I haven't moved for ages. The air surrounding me in the darkness is damp and freezing, sending a shiver down my spine. I panic for a moment, fearing I've gone blind, but force myself to stay calm. I still my shaking body, and ever so slowly do my eyes begin to adjust to the darkness. Although still frustratingly black, I can pick out the rugged blocky terrain of some sort of sloppily built hall. Gently kneeling down I brush my hand over the smooth texture of the ground, taking a guess that it must be stone. Which means this 'sloppily built hall' is actually a cave.

     "Hello...? Can anyone hear me?" I call out, my voice echoing back in an eerie manor.

     The hiss of an unseen spider brings reality slapping me in the face. I'm standing in an unknown cave system, in complete darkness, with absolutely no weapon to defend myself from the horrifying mobs, and not a single other person in sight. My breathing falls uneven due to fear, and I find myself spinning frantically around to try and determine where I am. I try to scramble backwards, but stumble on some loose rocks and trip backwards. Pain momentarily shoots through me as I make impact with the hard ground, and I desperately scoot backwards until my back meets the cave wall. Panic flooding my mind, and my heart pounding in my chest, the floor seems to sway under my feet. Tears starting to tumble down my cheeks, I curl up into a small ball, trying to disappear from existence as quiet sobs spill from my mouth (quiet as to not draw any lurking mobs nearby).

      But as I sit there in the unnerving darkness, it all starts to come back. It's like suddenly I've woken from a trance, and now I can remember everything.

"W-wait..." I sniffle, "Wasn't I turned to stone...? Along with Preston, Jerome, Rob, Mitch, a-and Lachlan...?"

I frown and wipe the salty tears away with the back of my hand. I rub my temples slowly, trying to piece everything together.

"That's right... We defeated Herobrine but got turned to stone..." I recall while slowly pushing myself to my feet. "But why then... Did I come back to life? Shouldn't I still be stone?"

I sigh in frustration, unable to grasp the reasoning for my return. Wiping away the rouge tear that started to trickle down my face I try to make out my surroundings. Ugh I have so many questions... Like how long has it been? Are the others back to normal too? Where even am I? Why am I alive again?

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