Chapter 26

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I feel like the song above fits so feel free to listen to it while reading, or, listen to after reading and imagining it if you want to ^_^

Warnings: Blood

     ~Rob's P.O.V.~

Herobrine, displeased with Vikk's Rock-barrier, destroys it with a flick of his wrist. The minerals shatter, once again exposing us to the hundreds of mobs. This time, we're ready... Even if the mobs outnumber us ninety to one.

Jerome dashes out first, sending rapid fire shadow balls into the fleet of mobs, killing large groups in a flash. Vikk takes off in the opposite direction, and he almost seems to teleport behind countless mobs, either stabbing them with a sword or impaling them with a spike. But in reality, he's just slowing down time allowing himself to move faster than any mob in minecraft. Mitch and Preston dive off to the right, standing back to back. Presto transforms into a skeleton, and his arrows become flame arrows. So him, along with Mitch, use archery slay any mob that comes within a range of ten blocks (everyone once an a while Preston would shoot a fire pillar at a group of mobs just for the fun of it). Lachlan... Well... I'm not really sure where he is considering he's invisible, but geysers shoot up everywhere, blasting mobs to pieces. I stay in the centre, and eye down the sixty some mobs around me, all closing in.

From the grass on the ground, I command it to wrap around the mobs ankles, trapping them on the spot. Then using the freakishly long vines on my arms, I spin like helicopter blades with my arms outstretched, the vines spinning so fast that they decapitate and slash the mobs. Within ten seconds, the sixty mobs around me are nothing more than loot on the ground. Taking a moment to catch my breath, I pant heavily watching my friends continue to batter the dumb mobs, who don't stand a chance against our powers. Mitch shoots an arrow that sails through the heads of about three zombies. Vikk whizzes behind a horde of zombies behind Lachlan and impales them with a giant spike. Lachlan, in return, blasts the creepers and spiders behind Vikk. Preston jumps back as a spider lunged at him, and ducks away from an explosion, setting all the surrounding mobs on fire. And Jerome is fighting tooth and nail... Literally. Along with his shadow balls, he's psychically biting and scratching any mob that comes too close. And then, I look at Herobrine, who is still sitting on a suspended block of bedrock above us, overseeing the fight. I can't read his emotions, and for the moment, I can't care less.

"WHY ARE YOU AVOIDING OUR FIGHT?!" I yell at him, everyone else briefly glancing my way before resuming their fights.

Herobrine, his attention now turned to me, flashes a small grin.

"Because this is so much more fun!" He chuckles darkly, smiling wider as a cry of pain, follow quickly by another, sounds to my right.

I whirl around to see Preston, an arrow lodged in his thigh, on the ground face contorted in pain. Mitch has a nasty spider bite on his fore arm, but he's still fighting. Unfortunately, a creeper somehow sneaks up beside him and blows up, sending him skidding across the ground a good ten blocks away. Jerome snarls in rage, sinking his teeth into a skeleton, and rushes to Mitch's side, who is struggling to sit up. A ring of geysers burst from the ground around Mitch, Jerome, and now Lachlan who reappears to see if their okay. The geysers prevent anything from reaching the trio. Then my eyes move to Vikk. He's still whizzing around, but a majority of the remaining mobs are crowded around him... Preventing him from being able to get to Preston, unable to move on the ground. And the worst part isn't the arrows sailing towards him. It's the creepers.

Kicking into action, I lash my vines out towards Preston, grabbing him and pulling him to my side just as a creeper blows up where he would have been. I gently lower him back onto the ground, and he sends me a thankful look, still clutching his leg, blood gushing out.

"Stay still... This is going to hurt." I warn him, gently moving his hands away from his leg.
He nods, in obvious pain considering the steady flow of tears streaking down his face. "O-okay."

I take a hold of the arrow, giving a quick firm tug. Preston screams in pain as the arrow pops out, and even more blood starts spurting from the wound. Quickly, I lay my hands over the gash, and close my eyes. I can feel the tingle of healing energy flow from my heart, through my arms, out my finger tips, and into his wound. When I open my eyes, and remove my hands, the wound has completely sealed.

"T-thank you Rob..." Preston whimpers, taking my hand as I pull him up onto his feet.

I just seem to notice now that no mobs were attacking us, and I quickly realize it's because Mitch is back on his feet, and himself along with Jerome are covering us. Lachlan is invisible again, but I assume he's near Vikk since geysers are breaking up the mobs that we're starting to corner him.

"Thanks!" I call, and Jerome flashes a thumbs up, kicking a zombie in the gut at the same time.

Before long there are only a handful of mobs left, which Jerome finishes off, with one last shadow ball to the centre of the cluster. We all stand beside one another, panting heavily with sweat drenching our clothing and rolling of our foreheads. But the rest doesn't last long, because in the next second we're back into fighting stances, whipping around to see where the clapping noise is coming from.

Herobrine is clapping slowly, now hovering a few blocks in front of us.

"I must say, I'm impressed." Herobrine commends, dropping his hands to his sides. "Those are some skills you've got there."

We remain silent, too tired and wary to reply in any way, shape, or form.

"You six have provided me with all the information I need for my next, and final masterpiece, before our fight. Well... Almost all the information I need. Lachlan."
Lachlan's previous glare only heightens at the mention of his name, and he wrinkles his nose, preparing to strike. "What is it." He hisses.
"As you may have noticed... I was observing your fighting styles and powers. Why? You'll find out soon enough. But Lachlan... I could not properly study you. For you were invisible nearly the entire fight. So. I will ask very nicely... And if you know what's good for you, you will obey. I will spawn a few mobs, and I would like you to kill them whilst still visible."
"Is rather die!" Lachlan growls back defiantly.
"Is that so...?" Herobrine drawls on, "Then I have some good news for you."


Question of the chapter:

What's going to happen next?

My answer: Not anything good I'll tell ya that much.

P.s. Sorry if the fight wasn't as long as you wanted it to be, but I promise I'll make the 'dork' fight really descriptive and long :3

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