Chapter 10

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Warnings: None, just a ton of dialogue lol

     ~Lachlan's P.O.V.~

"Well well well, if it isn't our good ol buddy Jerome!" I beam, looking over his stone form as the torch casts a warm light over the area.

Jerome is frozen in time - and stone - situated against the wall. Even through is body is one solid colour, the details of his thick fluffy fur are still noticeable. And somewhere in there... He's still alive. His face is set into a snarl, claws drawn, pupils slitted and teeth bared, as well as his overall stand looking like he's about to lunge forward and attack something. Yeesh, I've seen Jerome angry before... But now that I can get a proper look... He's pretty freaking scary. Wouldn't wanna get on his bad side. I note.
"Would you like to do the honours?" Vikk questions, casting a sideways glance in my direction.
"Fudge yeah I would! Just one question... How exactly?"
"Just reach out and touch him." Vikk explains.

I do just as Vikk says, reaching out a hand and pressing tentative fingers against the stone. For being sealed away in a cold dark basement, the smooth stone is actually quite warm. I reel back as suddenly a blindingly white light is shining from Jerome's chest, in the shape of a heart. As my eyes widen and I gasp, stepping back, Vikk doesn't even flinch. He just watched on silently with a wide smile. Well I guess he's seen it before considering he revived me. I remained myself, my gaze flickering to Vikk for only a moment. But in said moment is when all of a sudden a large crack rings out, and a large body is slamming into me, knocking me to the ground, sharp claws digging into my clothing.

"Ow what the- Jerome! It's me!" I exclaim, struggling under him as he pins me to the ground, growling lowly.
"...Lachlan?" Jerome asks in awe, his slitted pupils widening to normal as he stops trying to tear my throat out.
"Yeah it's him. And I'm here too." Vikk states, announcing himself as Jerome whips around to face him.
"Vikk?! But how...?"
"Ahem Jerome..." I cough, drawing his attention back to me.
"Oh! Sorry!" He apologizes sheepishly, retracting his claws and scooting off of me, allowing me to sit upright. "But I thought we were all turned to stone...?"
     "Yeah okay, you see here's the thing..." I continue, dusting off my pants. "We're revived."
     Jerome rolls his eyes. "I couldn't tell."
     "I'll take the liberty of explaining then." Vikk offers. "So *insert past events n stuff cuz ain't nobody got time for dat*"
     "Well then... This is quite the ah, turn of events." Jerome mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck.
     "Hey Jerome, do you remember what your power and ability is?" I question.
     "Alright then, it seems lashing out your arms randomly works so- wait I'm sorry? You do?" I correct myself, having the biggest double take of the century. Literally.
     "And your ability?" Vikk adds in, surprised.
     "That too; My ability is passing through walls up to ten blocks thick - besides bedrock of course - and my power is absorbing all the shadows in an area into one ball and then shooting it at whatever. Of course the shows return to their original spot afterwards. And ironically enough it doesn't actually work at night time, unless some sort of light course is casting shadows. Like a torch." Jerome briefly explains, without any hesitation.

     Vikk and I stare at him blankly.

     "You don't believe me?"
     "No no we believe you, it just took each of us a little bit before we figured them out again." Vikk assures him, chucking lightly.

Vikk and I then quickly explain to Jerome our own powers, and hand him a few items - including another worn cloak. Strangely enough it seems Vikk had found six of them, which definitely works in our favour.
     "Well then, where are we off to next?" Jerome asks offhandedly, scratching his arm.
     "Well the next part of the prophecy says 'The next to save, is a tricky one, hidden by walls of brick. But beware chosen ones, for the man of no eyes, Resides close with his pick.'" I recite.
"Yeah but there's tons of places with 'walls of brick', how will we find out where to go?" Vikk inquires, the three of us starting to make our way out of the jungle temple.
"Think Vikk, that's not the only clue it gave us." I hint. "'For the man of no eyes, resides close with his pick.' Who's that talking about?"
"And what is the name Herobrine sometimes goes as?" I press on, the three of us stepping into the crowded jungle.
"Um... The king of the Neth- oh."
"It means out next stop is the nether fortress then." Jerome concurs, a from etched upon his face. "Of all the places... Why a nether fortress? Herobrines Nether Fortress!" He rages, cutting a low hanging vine with his sharp claws.
"Don't look at me." Vikk shrugs. "I'm not the one who separated us all."
"So then, I reckon we should keep pushing forward until we stumble across another town. Then we can figure out how to access a nether portal. Sound good?"

Vikk and Jerome nod their consent.

"Alrighty then, let's go."


     "Ugh, it been three days already!" I groan, throwing my head back in frustration as we continue through the spruce forest. "How have we not found a village yet?!"
     Jerome shakes his head, furrowing his brows. "Yeah I feel you bud."
     "Well we have to find someone eventually. And if worse comes to worse, we could always find some diamonds, obsidian, iron, and flint and make out own nether portal." Vikk points out, trying to lighten up the boring atmosphere.
     "This still sucks though." I grumble, kicking at a small stone in my path.

     As we continue on, the sun snaking its way up higher into the sky, I start to notice Jerome acting a bit off. Every so often he's stop, kind look behind him a bit, shake his head dismissively and run to catch up with us.

     "What was that? I thought I heard something!"
     "It's probably just a passing bunny or something. You are a bacca, so your senses are naturally heightened." Vikk would assure him occasionally.

     But by like the tenth time it happens, I finally decide to ask him about it. I clear my throat, attempting to catch his attention, but he's too busy glaring off into a cluster of trees. So instead, I decide a more direct approach.

     "Hey Jerome..."

     I don't even get to finish my sentence before Jerome's sucked up all the surrounding shadows into a ball, and hurled them at a tree.


Question of the chapter:

Ah the suspenseful cliffhanger... What do you guys think Jerome is attacking? ...or... Who?

My answer: 🤐

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