Chapter 24

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Warnings: None

     ~Mitch's P.O.V.~

The three assassins lasted maybe thirty second at maximum, before all that was left of them was a few piles of ashes and rings of items (Preston had been furious and literally burnt them down to nothing). They didn't have much on them; just a few prices of stale bread, the antidote cookies, and small iron daggers. We took the antidote cookies in case any other revengeful assassins tried to kill one of us.

     "So... I guess this is it then." Vikk mutters, deep in thought. "All that's left to do now is track down Herobrine and kill him."
     Preston stretches his arms high above his head, a confident aura surround him. "Easy dude, we beat him once, didn't we? We sure as fudge can beat that mother fudger again."
     Jerome shakes his head, "But Notch helped us last time. He gave us the powers to stop him. Herobrine killed Notch, the one who gave us our powers."
     Preston shrugs, "We still beat him."

     We all chuckle as Jerome rolls his eyes.

     "Should we head back to Hillford then?" Lachlan inquires.
     Vikk shakes his head frantically. "Nuh-uh I ain't doing that again."
    "Then let's go to the Capital and buy some obsidian, and build our own Nether portal." I suggest.
     "But it's so far away... And someone might recognize us." Jerome worries.
     "It's worth a shot though, we don't really have many other options. Unless you want to spend a long time finding and mining obsidian." Rob points out.
     "Alright, to the Capital we go then." I declare, and we redirect ourselves in its direction, ready to take back what is rightfully ours.

     It will take about six days to reach the Capital, and then we can finally kill Herobrine once and for all. As we walk away from the Lost Woods, I pick up on the faintest noise behind us, from somewhere behind a tree. I whirl around quickly, but only find a small cute little bunny staring back at me curiously. I smile, turn, a drum to catch up with everyone else.


     ~Herobrine's P.O.V.~

     Sitting on my throne of bones, bored, I impatiently wait for my spy Enderman to return. It had set out a few days ago to stalk the Pack, and was to report to me the moment they revived Robert. Why the idiotic mob was taking so long, I hadn't the slightest clue. Of could have been killed. It would be inconvenient, but not devastating to my plan. Suddenly, a puff of purple smoke, followed by a teleporting noise, is displaying before my throne. The white eyed Enderman gurgles, and bows deeply. I stare at it expectantly as it lets out a serious of jumbled gurgles.

     "They have revived Robert, Master. And they are on their way to the Capital to buy obsidian and make a Nether-"
     "What took so long?" I demand, cutting off the mob.
     It gulps nervously. "I beg of your forgiveness, Master. But I witnessed the six in a full our sparring match, and if it is valuable to you, I have memory of the entire fight."

     This sparks my curiosity, and I instantly sit up straight, opposed to hunching over and resting my face in my palm. As much as this information was valuable, however, I had other plans on how to witness their powers for myself. Something a little more... fun per se. And it will be a lot more thorough.

     "Your effort it apprenticed, my subject, but I do not require this information at this time. I will call for you if I do end up needing it, however." I commend the Enderman offhandedly, who smiles widely at being directly praised by me. "At what location should they be at now?"
     "They just left the Lost Woods less than five minutes ago, so they should be entering the Savannah biome just past the Taiga biome."
     "Thank you, Enderman. You are free to go."

     The Enderman nods briskly, bows low once more, and puffs away in a cloud of purple smoke.

     I rise from my throne, calmly strolling down the netherrack stairs. Making my way through the pleasantly dark and dreary halls of my fortress, I allow myself a small smile as I picture just how well my plan will run. As I pass, mobs either scurry away in fear, our look away. They know, that if they are not addressed, they are not supposed to interact with me. I continue strolling, until I reach a room made entirely out of bedrock. In the middle is a small bedrock podium, and my prized pickaxe is lodged into the unbreakable rock. Only I contain the power to strike it in there, and only I have the power to pull it out.

     I grip the handle and give a firm tug, the tool slipping from its captivity. I twist the diamond tool around in my hand, enjoying the feeling of its smooth handle, and the look of its unbreakable shiny surface. It's enchanted with unbreaking five, an impossible enchant to normal citizens. Of course, I, am not a normal citizen. I specifically gave it this enchantment so it will never shatter, no matter the beating it goes through. It holds no special abilities- I am just as powerful without it as I am with it- yet it does hold a special meaning. One that I will never forget, and the reason why I always bring it with me to my most important of errands.

      A pang of sadness tugs at my insides, before I coldly push it away. It does not matter now, there is nothing I can do to change what happened all those years ago. Now all I know is anger, and the drive to kill. To rule. With a flash of my eyes, I swing the pickaxe over my back, and concentrate hard on the place I want to go. The Savannah. I close my eyes, and when I open them, I am standing in the middle of the expansive biome, green-brown grass covering every block.

     Walking to the shade of a nearby acacia tree, I lean against its gray trunk, close my eyes, and being to wait. They'd be here soon. And they have no idea what's they're walking in to.


Question of the Chapter:

Why is the pickaxe so special to Herobrine?

My answer: 🤐 Unlike in other chapters, I will not give ANY hint to what it is. Even if you guess it. You'll just have to wait and see 😋

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