Chapter 9

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Thank you Travis_The_Trash_123 for editing this chapter

Warnings: Little bit sad

     ~Vikk's P.O.V.~

After Derrick brought us into his home and got us dried off and settled in, Lachlan and I promptly fell asleep. I made a note that when we woke up and headed on our way, I'd thank him for his generous hospitality. But now... It doesn't look like I'll get the chance.

     After being abruptly woken by an explosion that shakes the entire house, I bolt upright in bed, frantic and disoriented. Just as my bleary eyes clear up, my door is slamming open and Lachlan is bursting through, obviously haven just woken up as his hair is still messy and disheveled. I swear the first thing Lachlan does every morning is fix his hair.

     "Vikk! What's happening?!" He practically screams, eyes wide.
     "I was about to as the same thing!" I respond, throwing the covers off of me and hopping out of bed.
     "We-" Lachlan is cut off by a large explosion, nearly sweeping us off our feet and causing bits of the ceiling to break off and fall. "We need to find Derrick!"

     Lachlan draws his worn out iron sword, and I draw my stone one. I guess since we've discovered our powers, we've never really bothered upgrading our weapons. We'll have to deal with that later. Lachlan and I shoot through the hallways, Lachlan almost breaking the door off its hinges as he busts through. The one word to describe the scene outside; chaos.

     Infernos of blazing fire spiral up from multiple locations, thick black smog clouding the air. People are swarming everywhere, attempting their very best to douse the fire but failing miserably. The fire only engulfs more of the village as bolts of lighting strike down to the earth. My head spins. Why is there lightning?! It's the middle of the day, and it's not even raining out!

     Before I can get a single word out, Derrick is skidding out from around a corner, charging towards us with a petrified expression and soot stained face.

     "Vikk! Lachlan! You two need to get out of here!"
     "Why? Derrick what's happening?!" Lachlan demands, Derrick shoving a diamond sword in each of our hands.

     A crack of lighting strikes directly beside us, causing all of us to duck and cover our heads as blocks spray everywhere. In a coughing fit, with fear in his eyes, Derrick stares at us.

     "It's him- Herobrine. I don't know how but somehow he figured out you two were here! Now go before he finds you!" Derrick rushes, turning to dive back into the chaos.
     "Wait, Derrick!" In call after him, Derrick turning to face me. "Do you know if there's a jungle temple nearby?!"
     Although looking confused, Derrick nods. "Head straight North from here and you should come across one in a few hours. Now, GO!"

     Lachlan and I hesitate for only a moment before turning on our heels, and bounding away through the brush. But of course we don't just turn and run like cowards. No, we double back around and sneak through the bush line to spy on Derrick. It's not hard to find him seeing as he's the only one wearing full diamond armour.

"...I already told you Herobrine, THEY AREN'T HERE!"

My breath hitches as my eyes lock onto the one person I hoped I would never see again for the rest of my life. That turquoise t shirt... Navy blue jeans... Brown hair and light stubble. And those oh so empty white eyes.

"Lachlan, we need to get out of here. The two of us don't stand a chance against Herobrine." I whisper urgently, watching Derrick argue with Herobrine. That guy is either really brave or amazingly stupid.
"But Vikk! We can't just leave these people! I can use my powers to put out this fire..."
"And risk getting killed? Lachlan we can't afford that right now! We need to go find everyone else before we even attempt to go anywhere near Herobrine. Now come on, the longer we stay here the lower our chances of escaping are moving."
"...Okay..." Lachlan finally agrees, his eyes flashing momentarily in what seems to be regret.

With the burning village behind us, Lachlan and I turn our backs and crawl through the brush, praying that Herobrine would not find us. With a quick glance at the sky, I redirect us North and Lachlan and I start off towards the jungle temple.


"Look Vikk, I think that's it up ahead." Lachlan states enthusiastically, pointing to where the jungle trees are cut back.

As depressing as the village being burnt to the ground is, Lachlan and I did realize that our priority right now is getting to the jungle temple. So now, as we push through a small bush, I can see that familiar cobblestone structure sitting amongst the green.

     "Now, we just have to hope this is the right jungle temple. If it's not..."
     "Nah mate don't jynx it. I'll honestly be so salty if this isn't the right temple." Lachlan jokes causing me to laugh.

     We step up to the temple, vines having grown over the entire surface. Lachlan, using the diamond sword Derrick gave him before we left, cuts past the knot of vines dangling over the entrance. We step into the dark room, the only light coming from the daylight sneaking through small gaps and spaces in the walls. I reach into my inventory and grab a few torches, ones I had crafted previously in preparation for the temple.

     "So we're heading to the basement, according to the prophecy, yeah?" Lachlan confirms, offhandedly blowing a spider to bits with his powers, that had tried to sneak up on us.
     "That is correct. Now, let's go find out if someone's down there."

     I take the lead, placing down torches as we descend down the ancient mossy staircase, into the depths of the temple. Now of course, if you've ever been in a jungle temple, the first time you might not have known there are traps set up that could leave you with a couple arrows stuck inside you. I know from experience, so as we round the corner, I make sure to deactivate the tripwires before reaching the end of the room, still shrouded in darkness. But in the place where a chest should be, I can just pick out the shape of a masculine figure.

"You ready?" I question to Lachlan, preparing to place a torch down and reveal whoever it is.
"Are you kidding? Light em up!"

     And with that, I place the torch down.


Question of the chapter:

Who do you think it is?

My answer: Can't tell ya 🙊😋

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