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Just wanted to clarify the alt. ending does not affect the story whatsoever, it was just for those who wanted to see it ;)

Warnings: None

~No P.O.V.~

A few weeks later...

     After the ordeal of wether or not to let Herobrine go, and then eventually deciding to, the pack returned to the Capital. Or as they call it 'home'. Upon arriving, they were relived to see that Endermen no longer patrolled the city, and that the dark cloud no longer loomed in the sky. The citizens all welcomed them back with open arms, cheers, and the like. They'd heard about the pack, and how they were sent to defeat Herobrine. At first, when the pack told everyone that they let Herobrine go, they were skeptical and nervous. But after a week or so, realizing that Herobrine did not show up to once again too and wreak havoc, their nerves calmed. However everyone doubted Herobrine would or could ever be good again, and the Pack-as well as Herobrine himself-knew that it would take lots of hard work to make it that way.

     Within hours of their arrival, the pack finally got to discover who this mysterious 'Jeb' was that had healed them back in their fight with Herobrine. Jeb, although his grey hair and beard made him look otherwise, is a middle-aged man with the look of a Roman ruler. Apparently, before Notch died, Notch had bestowed him powers onto Jeb, warning him of the danger to come. But because Jeb had no clue how to control his new powers, and feared he would yet someone or something, he remained on the down-low until he received word that the pack had defeated Herobrine. If he myself tried to intervene with the rivalry, he knew he might get himself killed, and then Acrion would be vulnerable to many other things. But soon enough, towards the point when the pack has battled Herobrine, Jeb finally got used to his powers. When he realized that the pack were about to die, he stepped in and healed them, just in the nick of time. Of course he could have joined them, but he had faith they would kill or defeat Herobrine- which they did.

     So with Jeb as the new ruler of Acrion, and Herobrine dealt with once and for all, peace once again rested within the world. Monuments were quickly built to honour the packs deeds, and it didn't take long for the pack to build their own shared house within the Capital. At one point, Rob could've sworn he saw the lingering form of Herobrine around an alley corner, as the citizens swarmed around the, and cheered. And a moment more of looking, and he easily picked out the two glowing eyes of Herobrine, and the genuine smile on his face. Herobrine nodded, and vanished the very next second. Then, as the crowed lifted the pack up above their heads, a thought crossed Rob's mind. If Jeb does truly posses the powers of Notch... Then that means, it's possible for...

     His thoughts were drown out by the roar or joy from the crowd, but nonetheless, the noise could not stop the smile creeping onto Rob's face.


Question of the chapter:

Rob has and idea... What is it?

My answer: you'll find out soon enough in the after story 😋

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