Chapter 29

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Warnings: One slightly bad word at the end XD

~Jerome's P.O.V.~

     The soft grass beneath my feet dampens the sound of my footsteps, along with everyone else's, making seem like we're ghosts walking over the ground, without a trace or sound. Really, there's not reason to be sneaky since we're in the middle of an uninhabited plains, but, we seem to do it none the less. After a few hours of waking up yesterday, Rob finally woke up, and then this morning Lachlan and Rob had declared they were strong enough to walk again. Thankfully we got through the snow biome without Preston getting hurt by the snow (We literally took turns carrying him because he was too scared), and now we're only a day or two away from the Capital.

"So we go into the Capital, buy some obsidian, build a portal, and go kick Herobrine's butt, right?" Preston questions, kicking at a pebble in the grass.
"Yep." Vikk replies simply.
"Question." Preston pipes in, causing our attention to be turned to him. "Tell me again why we aren't just like, going to one of the public portals in town?"
"Because- I don't know actually." Vikk chuckles nervously.
"I mean that'd be really convenient and all but the Endermen are probably guarding all the portals." Lachlan points out.
"That's what I meant to say." Vikk tries to cover, but fails as Lachlan punches him in the shoulder.
"I mean... *yawn* if we're going to fight Herobrine anyways, muscling past a few Endermen shouldn't be a problem." I shrug, yawning widely.
Rob nods his head, stroking his beard. "Jerome has a point. And if we get the advantage of surprise than I think we can pull it off."
"Alright then, sneaking through a portal it is." Mitch mumbles, obviously distracted by something. In fact, I just recognize now he hasn't spoken once this entire conversation.

     As Rob, Preston, Vikk, and Lachlan continue to converse amongst themselves, I find myself dropping out of the conversation, instead focusing on Mitch. Even though we're in an open field, with no one in sight, he keeps looking behind and around himself, much like I did way back in the spruce forest when the assassins attacked. Curious, and slightly wary, I fall back a few paces to walk alongside him.

     "What's up, Biggums? You sense something?" I question causally.

     Mitch makes a noise that I can't distinguish to be either a 'mmhmm' or a ''mm mm', it's kinda somewhere in the middle which doesn't help me on the slightest. I frown.

     "Mitch what's wrong... You aren't fooling me."  I ask sternly, now looking around too to see if there's anything out of place.
     Mitch casts a sideways glance at me, filled with cautiousness. "I might be going crazy, but I swear someone's following us."

     I open my mouth to interject, seeing as we're in an open field with no hiding spots whatsoever, and no one in sight, when I decide to think twice. Vikk and Lachlan thought I was crazy too back in the spruce forest... I recall, realizing this moment Mitch could very well be me, and I could be Vikk and Lachlan. And after everything that's happened... It's actually not that hard to believe.

     All these thoughts run through my mind in less than two seconds, and so instead, I simply nod grimly.

     "Watch. Pretend like you aren't paying attention... Then look back really quick. I keep seeing some sort of figure..." Mitch whispers, the other four still oblivious to our suspicions.

I pretend to rejoin the ongoing conversation, and I get bits of pieces of it, but then abruptly I snap my head back to scan everything behind me. It's true...! I realize, eyes wide and jaw hanging open as I see a tall, cloaked figure for only a flash, before it's gone.

"See? I told you." Mitch mutters under his breath.
"They don't seem to be attacking us..." I point out, "Let's not warn the others yet."

Mitch nods silently, and we continue trailing on behind the other four, who have quieted down by now.

I wonder who it it... Are they hostile? Maybe they're lost, and need directions? I just don't understand where they keep hiding... I mean there's obviously someone here but I wonder how they can just... Disappear like that. It's not like they're turning invisible because only Lac- crap. My brain kicks into action, and slowly I start putting pieces together.


    "I must say, I'm impressed." Herobrine commends, dropping his hands to his sides. "Those are some skills you've got there."

We remain silent, too tired and wary to reply in any way, shape, or form.

"You six have provided me with all the information I need for my next, and final masterpiece, before our fight. Well... Almost all the information I need. Lachlan."
Lachlan's previous glare only heightens at the mention of his name, and he wrinkles his nose, preparing to strike. "What is it." He hisses.
"As you may have noticed... I was observing your fighting styles and powers. Why? You'll find out soon enough. But Lachlan... I could not properly study you. For you were invisible nearly the entire fight. So. I will ask very nicely... And if you know what's good for you, you will obey. I will spawn a few mobs, and I would like you to kill them whilst still visible."
"Is rather die!" Lachlan growls back defiantly.
"Is that so...?" Herobrine drawls on, "Then I have some good news for you."


     Whirling around once again, my suspicions are unfortunately confirmed. Again, the figure flashes from view, but there more than one. There's six. All single file behind the invisible one.

     "Run." I order in a low voice, causing everyone to look at me in confusion.
     "Jerome what-"
     "RUN." I repeat loudly, shoving everyone forward and forcing them to run.

Whereas Vikk's, Lachlan's, Rob's, and Preston's, eyes show confusion, and slight panic, Mitch's and my own show panic and fear. Mitch knows. He figured it out at long time ago.

We run at full speed, Preston even morphing into a horse to increase his endurance and agility. But... No matter how fast we run, it's not fast enough. I look over my shoulder to see the shortest of the six, swinging its arm. I instantly try to skid to a stop, but myself long with the other five can't stop ourselves from running into the earth spikes that burst from the ground, creating a wall.

We slam into it at full speed, falling backwards and onto the ground with such impact, Preston even transforms into his normal self. Lachlan groans.

"Ughhhhh, Vikk! What the hell was that for?!"
"That... That's wasn't me..." Vikk mumbles, his brow burrowing.
"It was me."


Question of the chapter:

Who's excited for chapter 30? 😏

My answer: I am :D

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