Afterstory - Part I

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Warnings: None

~Rob's P.O.V.~

"Tell me again why we need to come with you to see Jeb?"
"Because I'm going to ask him a question and I need moral support." I explain yet again, the other five exchanging glances and shrugging.
"But... Why? Like I get the whole nervousness of asking someone something but... Why do you need all of us? Why not just one of us?" Mitch prods, Causing me to sigh in return.
"You're really not going to stop asking until I tell you, aren't you?" He realizes with a flat tone, stepping up the the large oak doors of the castle throne room, and knocking.
"Fine. I'm going to ask Jeb to revive Steve."
"Come in." An authoritative voice calls from the other side of the door, at the same time I speak my reply.
"Oh okay- wait what."

But I don't have time to repeat it to Mitch, or the others who look equally as confused and shocked. Leading the way as we step into the spacious room, lined with Quartz, gold, and other precious minerals, I take in the decor. A red carpet leads way to a massive throne, built using oak logs and pure diamond. Jeb is seated on said throne, sitting up tall and straight, nodding to acknowledge us as we step into the brightly light room. We stoop down respectfully, keeping our heads bowed for a few seconds, then returning to our normal standing position.

"Greetings, my subjects. What brings you here this fine day?" Jeb greets in his usually jolly tone, smiling.
"Follow my lead," I whisper quickly to the others, who cats me uncertain glances, "We've actually come to ask a favour."
     "I'm listening."
     "Rob-" I elbow Preston in the side, "-uh we were wondering... Um, do you have the ability to revive people?"
     "That I do." Jeb confirms, nodding wisely, "And your favour?"
     "Do you know who Steve is?" Vikk questions.
     "Steve... Yes, I believe I do. You mentioned him upon your return, did you not? He is the brother of Herobrine who was slain centuries ago." Jeb recalls, scathing his puffy white beard. "What are you getting at?"
     "Well we were hoping that you'd be able to revive Steve for us." Lachlan chimes in, "Herobrine would be overjoyed and... I don't know... We were thinking it might help his metal state. Yknow, make him happier."

     I nod to Lachlan, sending him a silent message that he did well, and then turn back to Jeb, anxiously waiting his reply.

     Jeb regards us for a few dragging minutes, furrowing his brows, and leaning slightly forward in his chair. We remain as still as statues under his gaze, keeping our eyes to the ground for the most part. And then finally, he slowly but surely, nods.

     "Very well I will revive Steve-"
     "YEAH!" Jerome bellows suddenly, all of us turning to look at him disapprovingly. He looks at us, smiling sheepishly. "Sorry."
     "-on one condition."
     Mitch nods eagerly, "What is it?"
"Entity303. You've all heard of him, clearly."

We nod uneasily to acknowledge the statement.

"Well he's been sighted in multiple small towns and villages, and every where's he's gone, destruction has followed. He's set fire to every place he's been, and he's terrorizing civilians and wreaking havoc on the land." Jeb explains.
"Entity303? But Herobrine killed him over one thousand years ago!" Vikk exclaims.
Jeb nods solemnly. "He did. But it seems Entity303 has managed to return by some means I am not aware of. He needs to be stopped."
Lachlan nods pounding a fist into his palm, "So we go track him down, kick his mysterious little butt, and then you'll revive Steve. Yeah?"
"Not quite. To prove he is worthy of the deed I will be performing, I would like Herobrine to kill Entity303." Jeb corrects him.

We fall silent, exchanging glances amongst ourselves. Then, we come to a wordless agreement, and I nod.

"Deal. We will find Herobrine, and fill him in." I seal, smiling.
"You mean you will find Herobrine." Preston smirks, "Your idea. You can find him."
"What? You guys aren't coming?" I question, my eyes widening as I glance around our small circle.
Vikk smiles slyly, shaking his head slowly, "I'm sure you'll find him... Eventually."

I glower at him, but as they break out into laughter, even Jeb chuckling lightly, I can't help the small smile tugging at my lips.

"You guys can be such jerks sometimes, you know that?" I sigh, giving into the small grin creeping up on my face.
"Yeah, we know."


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