Chapter 5

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Thank you Travis_The_Trash_123 for editing this chapter

Warnings: Mentions of blood

~Lachlan's P.O.V.~

Waking up with blood red sand - excuse the pun - in your hair, your clothes, and your mouth isn't the most pleasant experience. Not to mention the awful sting of sand in the cuts littering my entire body. I painfully lift my head from the uncomfortably hot sand, spitting out sand filled saliva in the process. My first thought is to make sure I'm not dead.

"Okay... Definitely not dead." I mumble, trying the sweep the sand from my hair. I comb it back into its original quiff.

     Glancing into the sky, I take note that the sun is past its highest point, starting to dip down. I take a moment to scan my surroundings, the gears in my brain turning as I try to recall the previous events. Uh let's see I can remember... Waking up in the monument... Fighting guardians... Fighting an elder... Escaping... Vikk almost drowning... And then I dragged him onto the beach and collapsed. That's right. But wait...

     "Vikk?" I call out.

     I don't get a response, but it doesn't take long before I spot the unconscious form, limp on the sand not ten blocks away. He looks like he's in major pain. His face is contorted into a grimace, he's breathing raggedly, his hair is a mess and hanging over his face, there are also multiple cuts, and a large gash on his side. The cuts and gash aren't bleeding anymore, but just like with me, the sand underneath him is tinted red. He groans in a way that tells me he's still out cold, but on the very brink of consciousness.


     I scramble over to his side, my limbs feeling weak and tingly. I gently yet swiftly roll him into his back, hovering over him in concern.

     "Vikk can your hear me? Cmon, wake up."

     Again a groan escapes his lips and a hand is every so slowly dragged up to rub his eyes. His eyelids crack open, and two dark brown eyes lock with my own.

     "Lachlan...?" He murmurs, trying to push himself up.
     "Thank goodness you're okay!" I rejoice, helping him into a sitting position. "You had me worried for a second there."
     "Yea- ow!"

     Vikk yelps the second he moves his body, grimacing and clutching at his side.

     "Aargh... I was able to push the pain away back when the elders spike caught my side but..." He continues, "It hurts real bad now."
I frown, nodding my head slowly, "Yeah sand and cuts don't make the best combination. I know it probably isn't the cleanest water, but, we should probably wash out those cuts." I decide, nodding my head towards the ocean. "And then I'm expecting a full explanation of what the fudge is actually going on."


"Okay, so let me get this straight. Apparently Herobrine is back now after a thousand years, yeah?"
"That is correct."
"So you heard that prophecy thing in your head after you were revived and now you, or I guess we, have to go find everyone else?"
"Pretty much. And of course there was my trip to Chesterfield and all that jazz."
"Okay..." I trail off, my thoughts swirling. "Well I mean the good news is that we're alive and soon Mitch, Jerome, Preston, and Rob will be too. But then again that means Herobrine is back too... Hm."

By now the sun is almost beginning to set, just a couple more minutes and then a few more after that will plunge the land into nighttime. Vikk and I got washed up he explained everything, which in all honesty a normal person would think is absurd and most likely deem him crazy. But even if it sounds crazy, and my brain doesn't want to believe it, I know all too well he's speaking the truth. Which kinda sucks but I mean, what ya gonna do?

     "It's going to be night time soon. We should start heading back to Chesterfield and find some sort of structure to shelter in tonight." Vikk declares, rising to his feet.

After Vikk passes me an iron helmet, iron leggings, some cookies, a few pieces of bread, and a worn out cloak, we set off across the plains. Along the way Vikk pulls out the map he found in Chesterfield, and he concludes that once morning comes, we'll travel West from Chesterfield until we reach Waryville.

      From our location, I can just barley make out the rugged outline of Chesterfield off in the distance. But the sun set a long time ago, and now endless amounts of mobs are wandering around the landscape. While still sprinting at full speed, I slash through the torso of a creeper, killing it before it can explode. It's limp body flops to the ground and it disappears in a puff of smoke. Out of the corner of my eye I watch Vikk impale a skeleton with a spike of dirt, minerals, and rock. And then he slays a creeper, two zombies, a spider... I need to re discover my powers... That looks fun! And it looks like once you get used to it, it doesn't take up much energy. I note excidetly, seeing how even though Vikk's sprinting at full speed, he's effortlessly impaling mob upon mob with his earth spikes.

But since my focus was on Vikk, I didn't notice the spider crawling up in front of me. It hisses and lunges forward, spindly legs outstretched to grab me. With a yell I skid to a stop, and without thinking, drive my arms forwards. Suddenly a geyser is bursting from the ground, ramming into the spider with such force and speed that it's blown to pieces. I stand there slack jawed as the remainder of the water drops down like rain in the surrounding area.

     "So you had, er, have water powers, nice!" Vikk compliments, jogging over to my side. "I wonder if you can control the force and temperature... That'd be pretty helpful."
     "Fudge yeah, I'm like the King of the sea!" I beam, smiling like an idiot. "I wonder what my ability is..."
     "Who knows, it could be literally anything. But let's get back to Chesterfield before any more mobs attack us. You can test out your powers later."
     "Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go!"
     "Hey, wait for me!" Vikk laughs as I dash away in the night.


Question of the chapter:

So we know what element Lachlan possesses... Now what do you think his ability is?

My answer: Once again, I already know lol

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