Afterstory - Part II

756 48 28

Warnings: None

     ~Rob's P.O.V.~

"Well one things for sure..." I sigh, emerging from yet another cave, "He sure knows how to hide."

It's already been four days since I've left to find Herobrine, and so far, I've had no luck. Using the Diamondback river as my guide, I've been dipping in and out of caves, searching on the tops of trees, looking in every nook and cranny. But alas, no Herobrine. Sighing again, I check my provisions. Only a handful of mashed potatoes, a few pieces of cooked chicken, and two bowls of mushroom stew left. I'll need to head back soon... That or hunt for myself. I realize, starting forward once again. And I keep moving forward for the next hour, until the sun is at it's peak in the sky, and I'm ready to sit down and have a break. But that's when I hear the explosion.

Whirling around to my right, the direction the sound came from, my stomach flips when I see fire licking at the sky, and black pillars of smoke rising up to blot out the sun. My stomach drops when I see a figure floating and flying above the burning city, and for a few dreadful moments, I fear it might be Herobrine. That he'd truly tricked us, and he's now back to his rein of destruction. But instead, looking closely, I realize this figure is wearing a white cloak that covers his entire body. And when he turns, I can just make out two piercing red eyes. Drawing in a quick breath, I dive under the shelter of a nearby bush to avoid being seen. For a moment I consider marching our there, and confronting Entity303 myself. But then I decide against it, knowing that it isn't my place. If I want to revive Steve, I have to find Herobrine first, and get him to kill Entity303. Which I'm sure he'd have no problem doing.

So instead I swiftly dash in the opposite direction. Well, maybe not opposite... But away from it. I continue my fast pace down the Diamonback River, putting as much distance between myself and the doomed village as possible before I'm psychically forced to stop. Bending over, palms to thighs, I pant heavily and try to regain my breath. With a start I realize I've ran for the rest of the day, and looking up, I can see the final days of sun sinking below the sunlight.

"Shoot..." I huff, standing up straight, "I didn't leave time to build a shelter."

      As if to confirm my thoughts, a skeleton spawns a few blocks away, just far enough to not see me. Then my eyes drift to an oak tree, separated by a few blocks from the rest of the trees.

     "That'll have to do." I mutter, striding towards the tree.

Summoning my vines, I throw them up to hook onto a sturdy branch, and then clamber up the tree like a rock climber. Within a few moments I've found a nice flat branch, with leaves surrounding it to provide insulation. With a clear view of the night sky above, giving way to the millions of stars in the galaxy, I lean back and fold my arms back to act as a pillow. I gaze at the moon, shining brightly, as I wait for sleep to overtake me. But that's when I see it.

     It only for a split second, but I see a dark figure shoot past directly above me, outlined momentarily by the moonlight.  Bolting upright I track the fast moving shadow as it vanishes farther into the distance. I take a quick glance below, at the hordes of mobs wandering, and then back to the figure. Although accepting the fact that I'll have to fight mobs on the way, I realize it's more important to follow him. So munching on a baked potato for a small energy boost, I leap from the tree, and start dashing after the shadow.


     ~Herobrine's P.O.V.~

     Trees blur beneath me, creating a sea of green as I whiz through the night sky. I always move at night. Not only does it provide a decent cover, but it's also relaxing. Most nights I find myself getting lost in the glimmer of the starlight, mind wandering and imagining just what could be out there. But now my focus is finding a new spot to reside in for the next few days. Staying in one place for too long, as I've already experienced, is never a good idea. Eventually someone will find me, and at this point, I don't wish to interact with anyone. And I'm sure the feeling is mutual.

     The trees gradually thin out to reveal a plains biome, the occasional pond dotting the landscape. I slow down to float stationary, my eyes surveying the area. No signs of civilization here... Just tons of mobs. I note. Then my eyes rest on the opening of what seems to be a large cave. Yes, this will work just fine. I decide, gently lowering myself to the ground. As I stroll towards the cave, a few mobs take notice of me. But one look, and they immediately lose interest. That, or, they shamble away in fear. And Enderman gurgles a greeting as I pass, and I nod silently to it. Although I do not recognize it, I can assume it was one of the ones I had controlled mere weeks ago.

     Stepping into the dark damp cave, my eyes immediately adjust to the new lighting, which in this case is pitch black. My eyes glow slightly brighter as a result of my night vision, and I venture further into the cave. Not really caring how far I go, as long as it's not visible from the entrance, I pick out a cozy little area in the cave. It's only four blocks high, and it only goes in ten blocks, but nonetheless it's welcoming. Welcoming, in a weird dreary shadowy sense. So curling up in a corner, I shut my eyes for the night, having travelled all day to find this place.

     But then I pick up on the slightest of a sound. Which, after a moment, I can easily distinguish as footsteps. But they aren't clumsy enough to be a zombie, not light enough to be a skeleton, and they aren't quiet enough to be a creeper.

     Tensing up I crawl to the corner of the room, peeking out around the corner. Whoever is wandering through this cave is either very brave or very dumb. Although I can't catch sight of them quite yet, I realize they aren't placing any torches down, which is something that puzzles me slightly. But I do not dwell on it, for soon I shrink snack around the corner, once I pick up in the slightly movement ahead of me. And I'm just about to teleport away when I hear an all too familiar voice call out.

     "...Herobrine? Are you in here?"
     My eyes widening, I step out from around the corner, and look at the individual standing before me in the darkness. "Robert? What are you doing here?"


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