Tag #5/6

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I got tagged by @DarkMelon2246 and a little bit later by @Eve_Shadow_Wolf so I welcome you to an incredibly long tag chapter XD Here we go. (Above is shadow's tag)

Pick the year your die or the way you die?

Way- I'll die peacefully in my sleep thank you XD

Have a sports stadium named after you or have a university named after you?

University :3

Have free apple products whenever you want or have free Wifi wherever you go?

Apple products. My grandmas car already has Wifi in it XD

Fulfill your biggest wish or resolve your greatest regret?

Resolve my biggest regret. I can work hard to achieve my wishes lol, and there are some things I'd want to change XD

Have your own private island or your own private jet?

Private island 🌺

Be able to read minds or be able to travel at the speed of light?

Read minds. But that was a tough one lol

Have 1,000,000 in Amazon gift cards or 100,000 in real money?

Amazon gift cards- then I can trade my friends/mom gift cards for real money and boom. Win win XD

Have free gas for 25 years or have your dream car?

Free gas

Be a ninja or pirate?


Live in fame and wealth or life in Harry Potters world?

Fame and wealth so I can help the world <3 (I haven't even read/watched Harry Potter lol)

Continue life or restart it?


Be able to read minds or be able to see into the future?

Read minds- we've been over this XD

Alright now for @Eve_Shadow_Wolf's tag

1. Yes, 3
2. The maze runner
4. Don't have one ;)
5. MOST of my friends...
6. My grandpa lol
7. Atm it's Motions by Matthew West. You should check out the video, I'll put it beside the picture above :)
8. Eh none really? But I think a lot are cute XD
9. It changes every week- This week is "It's okay to be a glowstick. Sometimes we have to break before we shine."
10. T-Bone Steak
11. Sock monkeys, wrist veins, and fear itself. Other than that I'm fine haha
12. HMV (They closed all around Canada 😰), Coles, Walmart 😆, and Canadian tire
13. Kit Kat
14. My best friend, Lauren.

Whew okay that was a lot XD

Now like usual coughbecauseimlazycough I'll tag anyone that reads this, but of course, it's a choice and you don't have to. Alright, Ciao~

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