Chapter 39 - END

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Warnings: None

~Vikk's P.O.V.~

     "I'm sorry, did you just propose, we let the evil serial killer go?!" Lachlan exclaims, Herobrine slightly raising his head in reasoned to the shouting.
     I scowl at Lachlan meaningly, "After what we just did to him, I don't think we're much better at the moment."

     A ripple of guilty agreements sounds throughout the others.

     "But what is he's lying? What if he comes back?" Preston points out.
     "Preston, take one look at Herobrine, and tell me he's trying to trick us." Rob challenges.

     Preston obediently turns, lets his gaze rest on Herobrine, and turns back around before he can catch him staring.

     "Okay fine. He's not trying to trick us."
     "But... We can't just let him go... Can we?" Mitch questions, furrowing his brows.
     "There's really no reason not to," Jerome continues matter-of-factly, "but it'd still feel really weird."
     "And that's why I've thought of a few conditions, in exchange for his freedom." I declare, everyone staring at me with uncertain expressions.

     Then I continue to briefly run over the conditions- which isn't many. After I finish, I can see the weary expressions of my friends slowly begin to warm up to the idea.

     "Well? What do you think?" I prod.
     "Let's do it." Rob finalizes, speaking for everyone, "And let's say he does trick us and try to take over Acrion again... It's not like we can't kick his butt again."

     This causes a small chuckle to pass between ourselves.

     "Okay then, it's settled. Vikk, do you want to do the honours?" Lachlan asks, grinning.
     "Why yes, I would."

     And so we turn back around to face Herobrine, still sniffling lightly, but no longer crying. He waits patiently for us to declare his fate, with hopeful eyes.

     "Alright Herobine, you're free to go." I state confidently, Herobrine's eyes slightly widening in surprise.
     "Y-you're letting me go? After everything I've done...?" He utters, baffled.
     I nod, "But... There's a few conditions- for your own good."

     Herobrine nods eagerly, seemingly willing to cooperate.

     "First of all, you have to set all the Endermen free, and whatever other mobs you might have mind controlled. Second, it's probably be best if you stay away from any towns or villages. If people see you they might freak out, and then there's no telling what could happen. So, unless you can find some way to make yourself look like a normal citizen, you're unfortunately going to have to stay away from anybody. Expect us, of course. Obviously it's going to get pretty lonely, so we'd be willing to talk or something anytime. And last but not least, if you are to use your powers, it's only to be for a good cause. You obviously have control over them now, and I'm sure if you tried hard enough, you'd be able to do good instead of creating mass destruction. Again, try to stay away from people, but if you must, you can use your powers to sneakily help out. Maybe even protect. So. Do we have a deal?"

     Herobrine falls silent for a moment, letting the conditions run through his brain. Then, every so slowly, he nods.

     "Okay, you have my word. I'll do it. And don't worry, I wouldn't have gone into towns or villages anyways. After what I've done... I don't think I can handle socializing very well." He chuckles, pushing himself to his feet.
     "It wouldn't be fair if we didn't, so, we'll tell everyone the truth. That we showed mercy to you, and let you live on the conditions we already mentions. People will probably be freaked out at first, but I think they'll eventually forget about it." Jerome says, managing a small smile.
     "Actually, I'm going to make a small change, if you don't mind Vikk." Preston chimes in, "Forget the second condition, even if you're not comfortable with it, you can approach people. But if you do, don't do it for long, and only do it to prove to the, that you've changed. Protect them from mobs, build them something, it doesn't really matter what. Because then maybe eventually, you can restore your reputation."
     "Thank you, Preston. I'll keep that in mind." Herobrine nods, grinning.

    The area falls into a comfortable silence, the howling winds and dark clouds having disappeared long ago. Herobrine meets each of our gazes, and we can all feel new respect forming for each other. It's clear we've forgiven him... Even if he tried to basically destroy the world. And then with a sigh, Herobrine slings Steve's pickaxe over his back, and takes a step away.

     "Well... I'd better get going then. I'm... Not really keen on staying in one place too long... So I'll probably just wander around like Entity303 did. I'm sure if you need to, you'll be able to find me." Herobrine finishes, rubbing the nape of his neck. "Thank you."

     And with that, he's gone in a puff of purple particles, similar to that of an Enderman.

     "I know it might sound crazy but... I'm actually going to miss him." Mitch chuckles, gazing st the spot where Herobrine last stood. "Now that he's gone, and we don't need to fight anymore, it's going to take some getting used to going back into normal lives."
     "I wonder how people will react to us when we go home." Jerome wonders aloud, gazing behind him towards the Captial.
     "'Home'... There's a word I haven't heard in a while." Lachlan smiles, nodding slowly. "Yeah. Let's go home."

     And with that, we slowly begging to trickle away, across the mangled landscape, back towards the Captial. Home. A pang of sadness appeared as I realize that our family, and friends, won't be there to welcome us back. They would have died long long ago. But I don't dwell on the thought, knowing that Lachlan, Preston, Rob, Mitch, and Jerome are my family now.

     As we being to walk away, I notice Rob lingering for a moment, deep in thought.

     "You coming Rob?" I ask, pulling from form his trance.
     "Oh wh- yeah. Coming." He stutters, jogging to catch up.
     "Something the matter?" I ask, casting a sideways glance at him.
     "Oh nothing, really... Just thinking is all..."

    I go to question him further, but decide against it. So with a shrug, I turn forward, and continue to follow the others all grouped in front of me. Follow them home.

Whew. That was a long journey. From the very beginning to when we first saw Vikk being revived, all the way up until the redemption of Herobrine. So... What did you guys think? Have a favourite chapter? And most importantly, who's excited for the new book coming out soon :D

I went back and checked the votes, and the next book to be published will be 'Against all odds'

Now, before I officially end this story, I will say that there is going to be not only an epilogue, but a short after story as well. Hint: it has something to do with Rob thinking at the end of this chapter. And so, before I go, I have one question. Would you guys like to see an alternate ending where they actually kill Herobrine? It wouldn't be long, maybe not even a chapter, but I know a few of you wanted me to kill him XD So I'll leave it up to you.

And with that, I'll see you all in the epilogue :)


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