3: Sushi.....and Sexiness as the Topping

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I'm dedicating this chapter to a an awesome person I met on here: my wattpad buddy Jo! (Cutiepieknight) thanks for everything girl! Follow her and read her stories everybody! She's a great writer. Give her some support, you won't regret it :)

Hope you like this chapter Jo! :) <3


All eyes were on Aaron and me. He was drunk but he seemed to be looking uncomfortable when he saw that everyone was at our full attention. Someone even lowered the volume on the stereo. I felt ringing in my ears and lightheadid   

I gestured with my face and mouthed 'shut up' to him. I would be like so in trouble if he told anyone what was between us.

Then he started laughing all of a sudden.

I gave a disgusted face, rolling my eyes and folding my arms, waiting impatiently for him.

"I was joking. No one knows anything." Then he laughed again and walked away. Once he walked farther away he yelled 'WOOOO!!!" At the top of his lungs.

Oh God. Why were guys so uncool sometimes and especially when they were drunk? 

Rule number five of popular girls? They don't get drunk, ever. Imagine the horror of getting drunk and doing something totally without another thought. Think of the immense embarassment we would cause ourselves. No, Uh-uh, no way. 

"What was that all about?" Margo asked frowning and leaning her head to the side in bewilderment.

"Just ignore him," I said as I looked at Aaron who was now dancing with some girl inappropriately. "He is just drunk. He like, doesn't even know what he's doing." I flipped my hair.

"Yeah we can see that." Demi said with disgust and. "How uncool." 

Anni and Tiffany nodded in agreement.

Soon enough, everyone was absorbed in their own little thing again. 

Here I was, just sitting here, thinking of Daniel and his rejection. I sniffed. 

I have thrown such a big high school party and I am not even enjoying it. The only highlight of the party was Daniel dealing with the party crashers. 

Popular girl rule number 6: Don't cry and don't overthink things too much. 

Got it. 

I blinked back the tears. 


My fail of a party had ended at two in the morning. Good thing my parents were gone that day because the house was a total and complete pig sty. Soda cans , paper, food, food wrappers lay scattered on the couch, the stairs, and anywhere else you can think of. 

Girls like me do not clean houses. So I had hired the nerds to clean my place up. They got to work right away and I left them to it, expecting that everything is spotless and in their places. 

While they cleaned, I went up to my room and called Daniel.

"Hi, honey." I tried to sound as upbeat as possible. I let my feet dangle in the air as I laid on my stomach on my bed.

"Hey baby, how are you?" His sexy voice answered on the other line.

"I miss you." I told him honestly. After that party, he had only walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek and left without another word. 

"Yeah listen," he said and paused. "We need to talk."

My heart started to beat fast. No, my heart started beating a thousand times a minute. My brain started panicking and my head swirled with a ton of 'what if's"

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