5: I'm not changing....Let's Solve This Sherlock Holmes Mystery

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Shum new shtuff here....

Spoiler alert: Diana acts different then her usual self.

Read about it here ;)


Chapter 5:  I'm not changing....Let's Solve This Sherlock Holmes Mystery

I'm sure I slept with a smile on.

I woke up and the incident came to mind making me smile big. It was like a comedy replaying over and over in my mind. Even the sunshine that came through my window hitting my face seemed to laugh with me as it danced and spiraled through my window.

The look on Ki's face as Margo started yelling at him for what "he did" was priceless. And the best part was when she slapped him and put sushi down his shirt. I would remember that moment for along time.

I sighed happily and stepped out of bed. I looked at myself in the full length mirror standing to the side of my wardrobe dresser. I'm one of those people who always look good in the mornings. My secret? First, like, you have to be beautiful-like me. Second, you have to have great hair-like me. And always put your hair into a braid when you sleep. That way your hair doesn't really mess up and you've got ready wavy hair that you can just brush and style. And like, third, a great body-like me. I looked good with or without makeup (true beauty, duh!).

I posed in front of my mirror, giggling at myself. Gosh, like, if I was a guy, I would surely date myself.

I went and brushed my perfect white teeth and put on some comfy clothes on. Yes, that's a surprise but I was tired of my amazing clothes sometimes. Although my comfy clothes were always designer as well. I could't like wear ugly cheap comfy clothes. Ew.

"Good morning, mother," I said as I walked into the kitchen and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She was as cool as me. We even looked a bit similar. She was sitting at the table sipping on some coffee in her designer pj's.

"Morning, Diana." She smiled at me.

"Good morning father," I said, moving on to my father and kissing his cheek as well. It was rough and unshaven. I loved that on men. Which was why I made Daniel shave on the weekend and then all week kiss his unshaven face.

"Good morning, my beautiful girl," he said from his newspaper, not removing his eyes from it.

"Oh and morning Sylvia," I said politely to our housekeeper and cook Sylvia. She has been working in our home since I was only a little girl of seven years old. I didn't care about her age but I think she's around fifty. She's not a beauty though, let me tell you that. And her maid outfit? Pffft. Nothing classy about it.

"Good morning miss Diana," she said, she turned from what she was cooking and gave me a sweet smile. I returned it and as she turned back to cooking, I erased my smile just as quickly.

I hated smiling so much, and especially at people less cool than me. It irritated me so much.

My phone started ringing on the table where I put it.


"Diana, its Anni."

"Of course it is."

It's not like the other girls didn't call me, it's just that Anni called me more because she always had the juiciest details.

"We got problems now."

"What is it?" I asked a bit nervously. I was thinking that maybe they found out about me.

"It's Margo, she's even more depressed now. Tiff and Demi spent the night with her, comforting her."

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