Diary Entry #5

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Dear Diary,

After taking my revenge and breaking both their hearts, I felt content.

Only problem is, Margo is like in a depressing mood.

I hate sulky people.

Couldn't they just accept the fact that someone doesn't like them?

And MOVE on?

Today I had another secret told to me by Anni of course.

Anni is the only one who likes telling me secrets.

She told me that Ki called Margo and asked her what's wrong.

She hung up on him but he texted her and told her he did not write the message.

Now there's a whole-what's it called?- oh a whole Sherlock Holmes mystery thing going on.

She of course didn't believe him but you never know. 

If I'm not careful, They couldn't actually figure out it was me.

Oh! Tiff just messaged me. Uh oh....the message is not pretty...

Like, okay gotta run,

Diana <3

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