14: Lots of Talks...and the Mysterious Scary Note

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I stopped my hand because it was that annoying, nasty store shopping, eavesdropper Zoey. I sighed in annoyance, don't want to pick that up.

The phone stopped ringing and a message popped up. "I know you are always on your phone. Pick up, it's regarding your prom queen stuff."

I gave an even more exasperated sigh.

As I was picking up my phone, her calls started again.

"Tell it fast, I have no time." I said.

"Yeah whatever." I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for her to continue. "I got the best ideas for you to win over the whole school and vote for you!"

She actually seemed too excited, but I let it go. "Yeah, tell."

"Okay, well I am in a lot of clubs so I will get those people to vote for you. I'll give a speech to all."

"Awesome," I said in my most sarcastic tone that I could muster.

"No, wait, there's more," she went on excitedly, "I will get the newspaper club to print off fliers and posters to hang everywhere."

"Yeah, even better. Make sure every single person gets it."

"I will do my best."

"Is that all?" I was losing my patience of hearing her annoying little voice.

"Um..." she paused, "yeah that's all I think."

"Good." And with that, I hung up on her.

It was good she was doing all the dirty work for me. I don't want to be going to everyone and telling them to vote for me. It totally sounds pathetic. I won't stoop so low. Let the green salad do her work, she owes me big time for getting me, out of all people, to go to some loser store with her.

I have so much better things to do than that.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

It was already evening, and I was sitting in my comfy tracksuit on my bed with my girls around me.

"Okay Dee, so what have you come up with?" Demi was asking curiously.

They were all transfixed on me, no one caring about their phones or nails. It was dead silence as we sat to discuss our mission to get Margo not to move

"Alright girls, let's list off the reasons as to why she should stay here and not move." I pointed to Annie, "Annie, reason one?"

"Uh...like, she has us here. Her friends. She won't have any when she goes there."

"Good one. And now, Tiff?" I pointed to her this time. "Reason number two?"

"She won't know Dutch?" Tiff said it like a question. "Is German language Dutch?" She seemed confused. "Is Dutch language German?"

"Maybe?" I also didn't know this. Details, details. Who cares. "Ok, Margo, what's your reason of not wanting to go?"

"This is my home. I know everything here. Like, I have a reputation to uphold here too. If I go there, I will have to start from all new. Ew."

We grimaced in agreement. Who would want to start from new and not be popular right away. Popularity does not work so easily. It takes work, dedication, and time!

"Someone, please, write it down somewhere!" No way were we going to remember this. I grabbed a notepad with a fuzzy pen attached and tossed it in front of them. Anni grabbed it. "I'll do it."

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