Warrior 1

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June 20, 1988 4:23 am Bedroom

I woke up excited.

Over the weekend, I told myself not to expect anything from the tryout but I couldn't stop myself from hoping I got in.

Overthinking is a tiring preoccupation.

Even Lola noticed that I was restless.

We were in the garden tending to the rose bushes one Sunday afternoon when she caught me zoning out.

"Hija, are you okay?" she said to me.

"Huh?" I blinked, not hearing what she said.

"You've been staring at that white rose for a while. Is something bothering you?" She lowered the plastic spray bottle she was using.

"I'm fine," I answered.

"Are you thinking about the tryout?"

Sometimes I wonder if she's a mind reader.

"No," I lied.

"You can be honest with me, hija." She removed the dead leaves from the rows of pink roses.

"You started playing when you were two. Your dad sent me a video of you at the basketball court." She smiled at that forgotten memory.

"What if I didn't get it?"

Lola smiled at me.

"Then it's not meant for you," she reasoned.


I want it to be meant for me because I worked hard during the game.

If I was half-hearted about it, then it's totally okay if I don't get the spot.

But I did the best I could.

I would like to think that I have a chance.

It's funny.

I always say I don't care for that stupid thing but who am I kidding?

I like movement and sports.

Besides, my dad and I have good memories playing the game.


I got out of bed to get ready for school.

This is not my usual wake up time but there is no point in delaying the inevitable.

I have to get up one way or another.

Unless I was too sick to do that, then there was nothing stopping me from getting ready.

Even if I don't check the results, I know I'll hear it from everyone else.

They love the Warriors and basketball.

It should be the national sport because everyone's crazy about it.


Lola was surprised to see me when I walked in at the dining room.

"You're up early?" She was helping the maids set the table for breakfast.

Lolo was nowhere in sight.

"I can't sleep," I kissed her on the cheek.

"Why don't you sit down so we can eat?" she pointed to the chair across from her.

"Where's Lolo?"

"He had to leave early," she answered.

Arizona DreamingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon