Pãrt Twõ: Maid [Edited]

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☆°•♡ Edited ♡•°☆


(Author's point of view)

  You looked around the school in search for Misaki. No luck. You then decide to just leave and head to work. While you were walking, you could've sworn that you saw Usui get lectured by the nurse for getting slapped by a girl. You shrugged it off and exited the school. You walked down the sidewalk until you made it to Maid Latte.

  "Hello, [Name]." Erika greeted you.

  "Hey Erika. Have you seen Ayu-chan?"

  "Ya. She just walked into the changing room."

  You nodded and headed towards the back of the building to find Misaki changing near the lockers.

  "Oh! [Name]! Sorry that I left you, if I didn't leave sooner I would've been late."

  "It's fine Ayu-chan. Just tell me next time."

  Misaki nodded hesitantly before she was done changing. She headed out leaving you in the locker area, changing. You finally got dressed in your maid uniform and headed out.

~Le time skip brought to you by Kawaii Kaneki~

  It was almost time to leave and you were about to head towards the back when the bell sounded. "Hello Masters." You bowed toward Ryuunosuke, Naoya, and Ikuto.

  "Hey [Name]! Where's Misaki?!" The trio said excitedly.

  "I'll go get her." You said monotonously. You had heard of the trio by Misaki and had seen them at school before. 'God Misaki is right, they are a handful.' You thought. Right when you got Misaki they pestered her with so many questions. You thought 'They are very annoying.' You looked at the door to see if anyone else is coming but no one else entered. You sighed and headed towards the back to hear the bell ring 'Bruh!' You thought as you walked towards the door. "Hello Mas-" You look up to find Thee Usui.

(Usui's point of view)

  I had entered the door to be greeted by a shocked [Name]. 'Wow she looks so ho-...Wait! I was about to call her hot?! Get a hold of yourself Usui!' Anyway, [Name] and I just stood there in silence for what seemed like forever. Until...

  "What the hell do you want?" [Name] growled.

  "What? I can't go to a cafe?"

  "You can't go to this one!"

  "Why the fuck not?" I said in an Eric Cartman voice.

  [Name] burst out laughing. "Wow South Park! For real?!"

  Soon enough I started laughing as well. Once my gut of laughter ended, I calmed down, and smiled. "I came here so I can see you."

  "Why is that?"

  "Ayuzawa told me you worked with her and I wanted to see you in a maid dress."





  "Sadistic Bastard."

  I stopped talking at those words and looked directly at [Name]. 'Why did her words hurt me so much?' I question myself.

  "So just take a seat and I'll be right with you." [Name] shooed me to a table, as I take a seat, she walks in the back and comes back out with a notepad'n pen. "What do you want. . ." [Name] hesitates. "Master."

  "Freshly brewed espresso please." I said smirking.

  "Whatever." [Name] disappeared into the back again.

([Name]'s point of view)

  I had made the espresso and gave it to Usui. "Here." I then went to the back to change.

  I changed into my regular uniform and headed out the back door to see Usui. "What the hell do you want?"

  "I want to walk you home." Usui smirked.


  "Can't I be a gentleman."


  "Come on!"




  "Pwetty pwease."

  I sighed. "Fine."

  "Yay!" Usui cheered.

  We started walking to Ayu-chan's place. "So you live with Ayuzawa?"



  I gulped. "Well...my parents are out of town for...reasons."


  I kept silent.

  "Tell me."

  "No. . ."

  "Tell me."


  "Tell me." Usui said sternly and seriously, causing a shiver to run up my spine.

  "No." I stopped. "When I remember those two I cry and I can never stop." I felt something warm roll down my cheek. I touched my cheek to feel warm tears escaping my eyes.

  "[Name]. . ." Usui gently touched my shoulder setting me off.

  "Don't touch me!" I yelled making Usui retract his hand. I covered my face with my arm and ran.

  "[Name]!" I heard Usui yell, but now it was a distant voice.

  I had arrived at the house and slowly opened the front door to be greeted by the smell of food.

  "Welcome home [Name]." Minako, Ayu-chan's mother, greeted.

  "Hey." I entered the kitchen.

  "How was. . ." Minako stopped and looked at me. "Were you crying?"

  I couldn't help it, I burst out crying as Minako hugged me, petting my hair. "H-he. . .parents. . .Waaaaaaah!" I said through sobs. Minako didn't know what truly happened between my parents but tried to understand how I felt. She was so kind to let me live with her and Ayu-Chan.

  "Shhhh." Minako pulled away from the hug and wiped my tears. "I know what will make you feel better."

  "Nani?" I sniffed.

  "Curry and Rice!"

  "Yay!" I cheered. I wiped the rest of the tears away.

Maybe today is a good day.


Ello love,

Sorry for the slow update!

I have school and me and my boyfriend are planning to go to Disneyland.

Soooooo sowwy

E.E. 💙💋✏👸

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