Pãrt Five: Alone Pãrt 2 [Edited]

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(Author's point of view)

  You put a coin in the vending machine and out came a [Fav. Drink] You uncapped the can, making it hiss. As you took a sip Misaki came into the back.

  "Hey." Misaki walked towards you slowly.

  "What, Ayu-chan?" You took another sip of your [Fav. Drink].

  "Satsuki asked you if you could watch the Latté tonight."


  "She has a meeting."

  "Sure. Don't see no problem with that." You look up at the ceiling seeing a crack in the center of it.

  "Is your hand okay?" Misaki asked worriedly. When you didn't answer, She slowly reached out to grab your hand.

  You pulled back your hand. "I'm fine." You said in a monotone voice. You didn't want to trouble Misaki or anyone with your problems. Never.

  You made your way out of the back and into the latté where customers were still dining. But one thing was strange to you, the two customers that came in this morning never left. They just sat there at their table watching you.

~Le time skip brought to you by Kawaii Potatoes~

  You entered the back and checked your surroundings. There was no one except Satsuki, standing at the back door. "Oh! [Name]-San, thank you for watching the Latté! Please be careful!"

  "I will, don't worry."

  "If you get into trouble with creeps then there's a basket filled with weapons on the kitchen counter."


  "I'll be back as soon as possible." You slowly shoved Satsuki out the door.


  "Be safe!" You closed the door and made sure to lock it. You entered the kitchen and saw a brown cardboard box on the counter. You opened it and looked inside. "What the fuck?" You pulled out a tazer and examined it, you put it back not wanting to get tazed. You walk out of the back to lock up the windows and doors so that Satsuki dosen't go all crazy on you for not locking anything. You walked up the steps to the second floor. "God it's super dark!" You felt around the room to find a light switch but no luck.

(????'s point of view)

  I stood up from the little fountain of the second floor to see [Name]'s back facing me. I approached her cautiously and then pounced. I wrapped my arm around her waist and covered her mouth with my hand. She wiggled a bit but eventually stopped. I thought she was over but I was proven wrong when she elbowed me in the gut.

  "Who the hell are you?!" [Name] turned around and froze. "U-usui?"

  "Hm?" I stared blankly at her.

  She fell on her bottom and covered her face with her hand. "D-don't scare m-me like that." As I stared at her i could've sworn that she was about to cry. "What are you doing here still anyway?!"

  "I heard that you were gonna stay here alone for the night s-."

  "So you decided to be an asshole, hide in the second floor's water fountain, and scare the shit out of me?" [Name] interrupted me. I opened my mouth to say something but closed it again, not knowing what to say. Silence then engulfed the both of us. 'Why was I here?' I questioned myself, was I worried or wanted to be an asshole like she said.

  "I was worried about you. I thought about the things that can terribly happen to you so I acted by hiding and scaring you."

  There was even more silence. "Look. . .I don't need you to worry about me, okay?" She dragged me down the stairs and into the kitchen where there was a backdoor. "I can handle myself, now leave." She shoved me out the door and closed it behind me.

  "Rude much?" I sighed.

(Author's point of view)

  You were about to lock the backdoor the power went out. "What the hell?!" You looked around the dark café for some sort of power box but couldn't find one. You sighed and headed towards the back but you were blocked by two men. The two men were the ones who were here in the café all day.

  "Why hello there." The chubby one said. You backed away from them but stopped when you saw the more muscular one pull out the tazer from the kitchen.

  "Now we don't want any trouble so don't move or else. . ." The muscular one turned on the tazer and smiled devilishly.

~Le time skip brought to you by Kawaii Usui~

  The two men had tied your hands infront of you with duct tape, took you to the second floor, and were approaching you slowly. What the two men didn't know was that Usui was watching them from the big window revealing the balcony. He was about to break the window but then stopped when he saw you ripping the duct tape off your wrist, with your teeth, and punching the two men simultaneously, knocking them out instantly. You then heard laughing and turned to see Usui who was pointing and laughing. "Usui the window!"

  When Satsuki finally showed up she saw the police taking the two men away but then she saw her window. "My window!"

"Sorry Satsuki!" You and Usui said together, bowing.


Ello love,

Sowwy for the slow update!

I'm being lazy.

E.E. 💙💋✏👸

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