Pãrt Sixteen: Pigtails? [Edited]

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(Author's point of view)

  "Please stop it!"

  "But whyyyy, [Nick Name]-Chan?~" Tora whined, messing with your hair.

  "Because you're gonna make my hair all tangly!" You stood up from your bed and straightened your outfit. "Let's get going, we might be late for school."

  "Ya ya, I know." Tora grabbed his bag and walked out your room. You sighed and did the same.

  It has been a few days since Ranger day but you still can't get the kiss out of your mind. 'Stupid Usui, making me feel these stupid feelings, it's just so childish.' You thought. You blushed lightly, remembering the first time you kissed Usui made you blush every single time.

  "[Nick Name]-Chan, hurry up!~" Tora whined again.

  "I'm comin, I'm comin!" You yelled, walking toward Tora who was now on top of the hill.

  "Were you day dreamin or something?" Tora pestered you.

  "Leave me alone."

  "But I worry about you!~"

  "Look I don't need you to worry about me, I'm perfectly capable of worrying by myself." You said crossing your arms and walking ahead.

  Tora sighed and caught up to you quickly. "I know but just rely on me a little."

  You sighed and stopped at the school entrance. "Leave me alone." You walked off, passing Kanade, and entering the school.

  Kanade stared at you until you dissapeared into the school. "Sir, you look sad." He said walking up to, depressed looking, Tora.

  "No I don't! I'm all but happy!" Tora said smirking.

  ". . . . Sir . . . ."

  Tora's smirk twitched and he quickly burst out crying. "She! I! Why?!"

  "Calm down Sir." Kanade tryed soothing Tora but failed.

([Name]'s point of view)

  "Gosh, Tora can be a handful." I said shrugging. I was currently walking in a hallway and had a lot of girls glaring at me.

  "Like you would know slut."

  "I wonder what Tora sees in you."

  "Tora needs so much better."

  I stopped and looked at three girls who were huddled in a circle, making vulgar comments. "For your information I'm not dating and/or having a romantic relationship with him, I'm his cousin. Now before you go making assumptions, you should actually know the truth. Besides, if he weren't my cousin I still wouldn't date him."

  "Ugh, why?!" The three girls snarled.

  "Because." I smiled and looked at the trio. "I have a different lover."

  "Lover?" The girls tilted their heads simultaneously.

  I chuckled and walked off to class. 'Just like the moron trio.' I thought, remembering old times made me stop in my tracks and look at the classroom door. 'I truly miss Seika, even the annoying students.' I felt tears brim at the edge of my eyes but I shook them away. 'No! Don't be a pussy [Name]!' Just then the door opened to reveal Hirofumi.

"[Name]?" Hirofumi asked confused.

  By now I couldn't hold the tears in anymore as I cried like a boy who has lost his mother. "Waaaaaah!"

  "[Name]!" By now, Hirofumi, was trying to calm me down. "What's the matter?!" He said in confusion and shock.

  I didn't know what got over me but I couldn't help but hug him, he was quite comforting. I cried into his chest and could feel his body stiffen.

  "[Name]. . ." Hirofumi slowly relaxed, extending his arms, and hugging me. "Calm down."

  I could've sworn there was a light blush on his face but I never found because the teacher yelled at us to take our seats inside the class. We both apologized and took our seats next to each other.

  The whole class period was very awkward between me and Hirofumi.
The good news is that I only had one class with him.

  During lunch I slipped onto the roof, seeing the city from high above. '. . . Usui . . .' I shook my head vigorously. "Don't think about him, [Name]!" I sighed exited the rooftop, not bothering to touch my lunch.

  "Guess you aren't hungry?" Tora said leaning on the hallway wall and raising his eyebrow.

  "I really don't feel like it."

  "School sick?"

  "Of course I am! I was only there for about a month and yet I got so attached to it."

  Tora pulled me into a hug and let me cry into his chest. "Let it all out."

~Le time skip brought to you by *sigh* Claude~

  "[Name], why are your eyes puffy and red." Satsuki said worriedly, right when I entered the Latté.

  "No Sat-"

  "Were you crying?!" Satsuki yelled.

  "Satsuki I'm fine! I just didn't get enough sleep." I rubbed the back of my neck and smiled softly.

  "If you say so." Satsuki said not convinced. I know she cares about me but she knows when I don't want to talk about depressing things that go on in my life.

  I entered the back and looked at Ayu-Chan. "Ayu-Chan, can you tie my hair?" I said giving Ayu-Chan 2 hair bands.

  "Sure." Ayu-Chan tied my hair into nice pigtails and then left to serve more customers.

  I walked out soon after and served customers. I was getting nice compliments like, cute, Kawaii, or awwww. Right now I was taking out trash when I noticed a shadow hovering over me.


  "Usui." I turned to face him.

  "Are you ok? Your eyes ar-"

  "I'm fine."

  "No you're not."

  "Of course I'm fine." I said, tears falling down my cheeks.

"[Name]." Usui hugged me tightly. "It's ok."

  "No it isn't! It isn't fair! I have to go to Miyabigaoka, where I only know Tora and Kanade! I get glared at and get rude comments from girls, it hurts a lot! I miss Seika, I miss going to the same school as Ayu-Chan, Hin-Chan, and most importantly you." With every word I said I cried more and more.

  "Look at me." Usui put a finger under my chin and lifted up my head lightly. He kissed me deeply and passionately for what seemed like hours or maybe minutes? We finally pulled away.

"Remember, we'll always be with you."


Ello love,

If you love me let me gooooooooo!


E.E. 💙💋✏👸

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