Pãrt Three: School Festival [Edited]

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☆°•♡ Edited♡•°☆


(Author's point of view)

  You groaned and slowly open your eyelids. Yesterday was very chaotic for you but you felt today was going to be better. You hopped out of bed and opened the creaky door, waking up Misaki.

  "[Name]? Morning."

  "Sorry I woke you up Ayu-Chan."

  "It's fine, I needed to get up anyway." Misaki went back in her room and changed into her uniform. While you went to the dryer to get your clean uniform. "Hey, [Name]."

  "Hm." You said buttoning up your green blazer.

  "I heard from my mom that you were crying last night."

  You put on your skirt and sighed. "I'm fine. Now that I think about it, I cried for a dumb reason." You lied.

  "Are you sure?" Misaki questioned, not fully convinced.

  "I'm fine, lets just go to school."

  "If you say so." Misaki shrugged and grabbed her bag. You smiled and grabbed your bag as well. You both walked out of the house and made your way to school.

~Le time skip brought to you by Derp Touka~

  It was now lunch time and so you decided to check on the student council room. You saw Shoichiro and Misaki talking about the school festival today as the rest of the student council members worked on the preparations.

  "O-oh [Name]-chan! What's up?" Shoichiro stuttered.

  "I wanted to see if you guys needed help."

  "Ya, we do need help with the cosplay café." Misaki said.

  "Ooooooh! Can I cosplay!" You jumped up and down.

  "Y-yes but we n-need help from t-the boys-"

  "But they won't help us." Misaki finished Shoichiro's sentence.


  "They don't like me bossing them around." Misaki said gloomly.

  "I'll go talk to them!" You said confidently. "Where they at though?"

  "They're in the theater room getting clothes." Shoichiro said not stuttering this time.

  "Thanks!" You waved and ran towards the theater room. You finally made it to the theater room and saw the boys in their cosplay outfits. "Hey guys!" You said to make all the boys look at you. "Can you please help me and Ayu-Chan do the cosplay café!" You bowed.

  "Why should we?" One of the boys said.

  "Please I beg of you!"

  "What if Misaki and you boss us around?" Another boy says.

  "Ya! What if you're a bitch just like her?!"

  "Please!" You yell.

  "Go away!"

  "You can leave bitch!"

  You looked at all of them. Then you cried 'Why?' You asked yourself. "Fine! You assholes! Be a bunch of  bastards who won't even give me the time of day!" By now tears were streaming down your face. You didn't want to hear the boys calling you a bitch, you've already heard those names being called to you by your real parents. You stormed off leaving the boys dumbfounded while you left Usui worried. 'Why?' Usui didn't know why he was worried but he wanted to help.

([Name]'s point of view)

  I stomped out of the theater room and made my way back to the council room, which was filled with customers. 'They must've started it already.' I saw everyone scurrying around to get orders done. I sighed and went in to be greeted by Ayu-Chan.

  "[Name]! Thank God your here!" Ayu-Chan gave me some clothes and pushed me into the kitchen area where Sakura was cooking.

  "Oh, [Name]! The changing room is to the left! Hurry and change!" Sakura said while making food. I nod and change into a punk outfit consisting of: a leather jacket, a black shirt underneath saying 'Punk You', some torn [Favorite Color] skinny jeans, combat boots, and some biker gloves. I hurry out of the kitchen area and start taking orders. I got comments like 'Cool outfit.' or 'Rock on!' I smiled and before I knew it some of the boys helped us out. Even Usui helped us! Which was pretty good for business considering a whole bunch of girls came to the Café. All in all everything went smoothly.

~Another time skip brought to you by Tokyo Ghoul characters~

  I sat under a tree watching some students dance around the fire. By now I should be working at Maid Latté but Satsuki let me and Ayu-Chan take a day off for the school festival. As I was watching the fire, a shadow crept over me making me jump and hit something hard. "Shiiiiiiit!" I rubbed my head.

  "You have a tough skull!" Usui was sitting in the grass next to me, rubbing his now red chin.

  "What the hell Usui?!"


  "Why the hell are you here?!"

  "I wanted to check on you." It went silent. "Look when you were in the theater room and asked for help I wanted to help but all the boys were being dicks about you and Ayuzawa that I couldn't say anything." It went silent again. "But in the end I convinced the boys to help."

(Usui's flashback)

  "Guys!" Usui spoke. "Come on lets help them!"

  "Why should we?!"

  "They are bitches and you know it!"

  "Ya, all they care about is themselves!"

  "Besides, they hate boys!"

  Usui grabbed the boys collar. "Look they need our help! We can't just stand here and do nothing while [Name] and Ayuzawa are working their asses off to make the customers happy!" Everyone went silent after that. "Now I'm leaving to go help." Usui let go of the boys collar and left. After a while the boys thought.

  "Guys lets give it a try."


(End of flashback)

  By now I was crying. 'Usui. . .' Usui stared at me confused. "Usui. . ."


  "Thank you." I smiled brightly, not noticing the tears of joy sliding down my cheeks in the process. Then I felt warmth surround me, Usui Takumi, was hugging me.

  "Your welcome, [Name]." Usui whispered in my ear causing a light blush to spread across my cheeks. I hesitated but then hugged Usui back.

Today was a great day, thanks to Usui.


Ello love,

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

And have a lovely day!

E.E. 💙💋✏👸

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