Pãrt Ten: Challenge [Edited]

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([Name]'s point of view)

Today was Feburary 11th, now a few days away from Valentine's day. On this particular day I had to work, but Satsuki warned me about someone. Who was it again? I can't remember all the details but Satsuki said that one of her nieces are coming to visit.

I sighed and stood up out of bed. It was almost time to go to work and everyone else was asleep. Actually I don't remember going back to the house or ever falling asleep. I examined my surroundings and saw that this wasn't even my room. I looked to my left and saw a sleeping Usui. 'Shit! I forgot I stayed here! Mina is gonna kill me!' I stared at Usui a little longer. 'I can't resist!' I reached out my arm and touched his cheek gently. I then retracted my arm and walked out of the room. I really didn't want to leave his warmth but I have a job to attend to.

"[Nameeeeeee]." Usui groaned.

"What?" I said opening the door again.

"I'm thirstyyyyy."

I sighed and left the room in search for a watter bottle. I found one in the fridge and made my way back to Usui's room, but I was pinned to the wall instead.

"[Name]." Usui breathed out heavily into my ear, causing me to blush.

"U-usui." 'Damn my stuttering!' I cursed myself. Suddenly I felt warmth on my neck. 'Shit!' I looked down and Usui was kissing my neck. I grabbed his shoulders. "U-usu-" I was cut off by my mouth letting out a moan, causing Usui to smirk. 'Crap he found my sweet spot!' Usui kept on kissing, licking, and sucking that spot.


I shivered and looked up at Usui, trying to hold back my tears. 'What the hell is he doing?'

"[Name] I-." Usui was interrupted by a single tear rolling down my face. "[Name]?"

With all the strength I could muster, I pushed Usui away, and ran towards the door.

"[Name]!" Usui yelled before I slammed the door and ran to the elevator, pushing the buttons frantically.

Once I made it to the bottom floor I booked it out of the building. I looked back for a second and saw Usui chasing me. "Go away!" I yelled, a blush clearly visible on my face.

"[Na-!" Usui got interrupted once more by tripping and falling flat on his face.

I took this chance and ran to work, which was only a few blocks away.

I made it to the Latté and panted heavily. It felt like I was running a marathon. I walked into the Latté after I recovered my breathe but I than got trampled by a few customers. "The hell?" I mustered out.

"[Nick Name]! Are you ok?" Honoka said and to help me up.

"Yup, perfectly fine!" I said sarcastically as I made my way to the back.

I opened my locker and undressed.

"[Name], there's a purple mark on your neck." Ayu-Chan said worriedly.

"Ah it's nothing!" 'Damn you Usui!' I covered the purple mark with my hand. I quickly got changed and made sure to hide the 'mark' with make up.


The sudden yell caused me to jump and turn to whoever called my name. "S-s-satsuki, you scared me!"

"Sorry dear but I need to introduce you to my niece!"

"Ah, ok." I sweat dropped and followed Satsuki to the kitchen.

"Everyone this is my niece, Aoi." Satsuki pointed to a short girl, with a nice pretty dress, and golden locks.

"Aw she's adorable." I said squeezing her cheeks.

"Hey don't touch me!" Aoi said in a squeaky voice. She pushed my hands away from her cheeks and scowled at me.

"Girls, be nice!" Satsuki scolded the both of us.

I just shrugged it off and started working.

~Le time skip brought to you by Ecstacy: Hearts on Webtoons~

I was almost done with my shift when someone entered the Latté. "Welcome Ma-." I stopped and faced the customer, seeing Usui.

"[Na-." Usui was cut off, the MILLIONTH TIME, by a high pitched voice.

"Why hello cutey. I'm Aoi but you probably know that by now.~" Aoi purred.

"Uh look I need to talk to [Name]."

"Ugh that bitch?" Aoi snarled.

"I heard that you fucking midget!" I snarled back.

Usui walked closer to me but he was stopped by Aoi grabbing his arm. "No stay, come on! You rather have her instead of me?"

I don't know what came over me but I regret it. I pulled Usui away from Aoi. "Get your hands off my shit!" I yelled. I froze and ran outside to the alleyway, Usui trailing behind me.

I panted heavily once we made it to the alleyway. "I'm so-." I was cut off this time by Usui.

"I'm sorry. For touching you and leaving a mark." Usui approached me and wiped the makeup off the mark. "I'm really sorry." He kissed the mark lightly, making me blush tremendously.

"Usui. . .I."

"I'm not asking for forgiveness, just please, know that I was acting stupid." Usui kissed my forehead.

"Usui. . .it's fine, just, warn me next time." I blushed even more.

Usui chuckled and hugged me. "Thank you [Name]."


'I want to say I love you but I can't.'


Ello love,

Yaaaas made the deadline!

Also arigatou for 31 votes!

E.E. 💙💋✏👸

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