Pãrt Fõur: Alone [Edited]

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([Name]'s point of view)

  I woke up to see the window open a crack, allowing the cold January air in. I sighed and heaved myself off the bed. Yesterday was very embarrassing, the fact that the boys saw me cry, the fact that Usui convinced the boys to help me, and the fact that I let him hug me. I looked at the calendar Saturday 27th I looked at the clock 7:30 am. I tossed on a white t-shirt, [Fav. Color] jeans, and some [Fav. Color] vans. I opened my door to be greeted by the smell of food.

  "Suzuna, Misaki, [Name]! Up and at 'em!" Mina (Mina is Minako' s nickname) yelled.

  "Morning Mina!" I entered the kitchen and took a seat at the kitchen table.

  "Morning Mom." Ayu-Chan said tiredly as she took a seat next to me.

  "When do you girls have work?"

  "In an hour." I said, I stood up, and got some cups. I set them on the table and poured Orange juice in them.

  "Ah. So at 8:30?"

  "Hm." Ayu-Chan said while taking a sip of Orange juice. Mina was done cooking and I was done setting the table with plates. Mina put an omelet on each plate.

  "Suzuna is still not up?" Mina questioned.

  "I'll go get her." I volunteered. I sat up and walked toward Suzuna's room. I knocked on her door but all I heard was a groan. "Come on Suzuna! It's time to get up!"

  "Mmm why?"

  "Mina made omelets!~" I cooed. Right then and there Suzuna burst through the sliding door, taking her seat at the kitchen table. I chuckled and sat back down to eat my delicious omelet.

~Le time skip brought to you by Sangwoo and Yoonbum~

  Me and Ayu-Chan entered the Latté to be greeted by Honoka. "Morning! [Name], Misaki." She bowed. I bowed as well as Ayu-Chan.

  "Good Morning, Ka-Chan." I addressed Honoka by her nickname.

  "Morning." Ayu-Chan smiled and made her way towards the back.

  I smiled and made my way towards the back as well. When I entered the locker area I quickly changed out of my regular clothes and into my maid uniform. When I headed out l, the bell rang, signaling that someone has entered. "Morning Masters." I bowed toward Ryuunosuke, Naoya, and Ikuto or, as Ayu-Chan liked to call them, the Moron Trio.

  "Morning [Name]." The trio said smiling. "Where's Misaki?"



  "The Moron Trio is here!"

  "Morons?" The trio said tilting their heads. Ayu-Chan pops out of the back and takes the trio to a table. I sighed as the bell rang again revealing two men. "Morning Masters." I bowed.

  "Good morning." Said one who was chubby and wore glasses. The other smiled, he was skinny but muscular. I lead them to a table and took their orders. "I will be right out with your ice creams, Masters." I went into the back and made their two sundaes. I exited the back and gave the two customers their sundaes. "If you need anything else please don't hesitate to call me, Masters." The two men nodded, blushing lightly. Then the bell rang again signaling that someone has entered.

  "Yo." Usui waved toward me.

  "Morning." I said blankly.

  "What? No Morning Master?"

  "No way. In. Hell." I sighed and led Usui to a table. I blushed a little when he whistled at me. "Shut up!" I quickly stomped into the back.

(Usui's point of view)

  I chuckled as I saw [Name] stomp her way into the back. I couldn't help but see two men who were staring at [Name] the whole time she went in and out of the back or taking orders for other people. Then I heard glass breaking causing me to stand. The two men at the table looked down at the floor, panicked. One of the customers said that the chubby one with glasses knocked his glass on the floor by accident. Then I saw [Name] walk out of the back. The chubby one was going to pick up a piece of glass when [Name] moved his hand away from the glass. "Master, please, don't touch it. You might get cut." [Name] smiled and picked up the glass, with her bare hands, then she threw it away in a trash bin.

  "[Name]!~" I waved to her.

  "What?" [Name] walked to my table.

  "Let me see your hand."


  "Just let me see it."

  "Hell no!"

  "[Name], please."

  [Name] hesitated but gave me her hands. When I took her hands in mine she winced in pain. I looked down and saw little cuts on her palm. I stood up and went into the back without permission. "Ayuzawa." Misaki walked up to us and saw [Name]'s bloody hand.

  "I'll go get some gauze." Misaki dissapeared.

  I went to a sink and helped [Name] clean off the blood. "Why didn't you tell anyone?"

  "I. . ."

  "[Name], tell me."

  ". . ." [Name] stayed silent until Misaki came and patched her cut up hand. "Thanks." [Name] then left to treat other customers.

"[Name]. . ."


Ello Love,

Sorry for not updating quicker!

Please forgive meeeee!

E.E. 💙💋✏👸

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