Pãrt Eighteen: Jealous [Edited]

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(Author's point of view)

  You walked around the school for a bit in a daze. Yesterday was very chaotic and with summer coming up you really don't know what Maid Latté has in store. You just shrugged and fixed your uniform dress. "I need to get to class." Adjusting the bag on your shoulder, you thought about Usui, totally unaware of Hirofumi trying to get your attention.

  "Hello? [Name]?" Hirofumi flicked your forehead, finally getting your attention.

  "Oh, Hirofumi? Sorry I was thinking about something." You sighed and walked off.


  "Hm?" You turned around and Hirofumi was now by your side.

  "Let's walk to class together."

  "Sure." I smiled and we both headed to class, unaware of a certain cousin spying on the both of you.

  Once the two of you made it to class, you took your seat, and so did he, right next to you.

  "So what were you thinking about?"


  "You work?"

  "Ya, I convinced my parents to let me work at my job."


  "I told them they would make more money."

  "Hm, smart." Hirofumi crossed his arms and leaned back on his chair.

  "You're gonna fall." You said pulling out your favorite manga and reading.

  "Like hell I would."

  "1. . . 2 . . ."

  The teacher walked in, without Hirofumi noticing, staring directly at Hirofumi. "Mr. Hiro!" The teacher yelled, her voice booming.

  ". . . 3 . . ." Right when you said three Hirofumi collapsed on the floor. "Told ya so."

  "Shut up." Hirofumi groaned.

  You laughed and carried on reading.

(Tora's point of view)

  I looked at the clock in the classroom and waited intently. Riiiiiiiing! The bell rung and I ran out of there as fast as I could. I rounded a few corners, almost tripping, and finally made it to [Name]'s classroom. I opened the door and saw [Name] putting notebooks in her bag. "[Name]!" I yelled.

  "Oh, Tora wha-?"

  I grabbed her arm and dragged her out of class. "Let's have lunch together!" I said cheerfully.

  "I guess, but I didn't bring lunch."

  I stopped and turned her to face me. "Why?"

  "I was thinking of buying some bread."

  "Oh." I sweat dropped and followed her, like a lost puppy, to the cafeteria.

  "What bread should I get?"

  "Hmmm, well the strawberry filled one is good but the chocolate covered one is delicious."

  "I'll buy both, I can give half the strawberry and half the chocolate to you!"

  "Yay!~" I cheered like a little boy.

~Le time skip brought to you by Momokuri~

  Me and [Name] sat on the roof top eating some delicious bread. "So I saw you walking to class with Hirofumi."

  "Ya, why?"

  "I just saw."

  "Sure, you're jelly aren't you?"

  "Maybe." I said taking a bite of my chocolate bread. "I don't trust Hirofumi or that blonde weirdo you call 'boyfriend'."

  "Look, Hirofumi is my, somewhat, friend and Usui is a nice boyfriend."

  "What if he's not, what if he ends up like the last one?! Using you for sex and then just throwing you away like a piece of garbage!"

  "Tora Igarashi!" [Name] yelled, tears brimming at the edge of her eyes. I messed up. "You should shut the hell up if you don't know what you're talking about! He was a mistake, I know, but Usui is different!"

([Name]'s point of view)

  I ran passed Tora and out the roof door. Running down the stairs, carefully, I made it to the last floor and ran out the school.

  I stopped when I was down the hill. I put my hands on my knees and tried to catch my breathe. "Shit." I managed to breathe out.


  I looked up to whoever called my name and saw Usui. "Usui?" A few tears slid down my face.

  "[Name] what's the matter?"

  "Usui!" I hugged him tightly and cried into his chest.

  "(F/n). . ." Usui lifted up my chin, with his finger, and kissed me sweetly. It wasn't like the other kisses, this one was warm and gentle not agressive or demanding.

  He pulled away finally. "If you ever cry again I'll always be here for you."

I blushed beet red and nodded.

"I love you too."


Ello love,

Sorry for the late chapter!

I was having a fever yesterday.

But I'm better and see that my stowy has 72 votes!

Thank you all for the support.

E.E. 💙💋✏👸

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