Pãrt Nine: Party [Edited]

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(Author's point of view)

  "So what did you want to talk about?" You questioned Usui. You both were on the roof after Usui needed to discuss something with you.

  "I'm holding a party today and I wanted to invite you, if you like. It's kinda like a Valentine's party but I'm still making the decisions."

  "Hmmm, I'll think about it." You smirked as Usui gave you puppy dog eyes.


  "Agh! My eyes burn!"

  You and Usui laughed to the point you both were crying. You both slowly stopped laughing and caught your breathe.

  "So will you be there?" Usui asked wiping a tear away from his eye.

  "Sure I guess, I have nothing else to do."

  "Okay. The party will be at ten."

  You nodded and looked back at Usui. You opened your mouth but shut it again, you wanted to ask him if the confession was true or not but just let it leave your mind. "Bye Usui." You waved and walked off.

  "Wait." Usui grabbed your wrist softly causing you to blush lightly. "Please, come." He said a hint of pleadyness in his voice.

  You nodded and turned around, facing Usui. "I will. . .I promise." Without thinking you leaned in at kissed Usui's cheek lightly, sending a tint of pink to dust his face. You walked off down the stairs and walked out the school entrance. You sighed heavily as you thought about the kiss again, you instantly regretted it and blushed a deep red. "Why did I do that?"

~Le time skip because I can~

  You sat on your bed looking at the packet the teacher had given you. "What is your gender?" You read out loud.

  "Male." You jumped at the sudden voice.

  "Ayu-Chan! Don't scare me!"

  Misaki chuckled. "Dinners almost ready."

"Hm." You nodded. Misaki left, leaving the door open a crack. "Female." You filled in the circle that said female. "What relationship do you have?" You looked at the answers.

  In some type of relationship

  You looked at the answers and sighed.

  In some type of relationship

  You looked at the time. "9:00, I see." You jumped off your bed and made your way to the restroom. You opened the door, closed it behind you, and made sure to lock it. You reached down to the cabinet and opened it to reveal clothing you were planning to wear to the party. "Should I go." You said, looking at the clothes you were holding. You sighed at placed them on the bathroom counter.

  "[Name], Misaki, Suzuna! Dinner is ready!" Minako yelled from the kitchen.

  "Coming!" You yelled back as you exited the restroom. You peered in the kitchen to see Minako putting Hamburgs on each plate. You sat on the kitchen chair and took a sip off water that was by your plate.

  When everyone was sitting at the table, you dug in quickly.

  "[Name] eat slower!" Minako scolded you.

  "Sorry, I didn't eat lunch so I'm starving."

  "Why didn't you eat lunch?" Suzuna said blankly.

  "Just wasn't hungry I guess." You sighed. "Mina."


  "Is it ok if I go out to a party?"

  Minako nodded. "Sure, but, be back by  11:00!"

  You nodded and stood up from the table, washing your dish. You then ran towards the restroom to change into the clothes you prepared for yourself. The clothing was a [Fav. Color] leather jacket that hangs off your elbows, a [2nd Fav. Color] tank top, [Fav. Color] leggings, and some daaaaamn Daniels.

  Once you were done changing, you exited the restroom, and opened the entrance door. "Bye everyone!" You yelled.

  "Bye [Name]." Everyone said in unison before you stepped into the night sky. You locked the door behind you and headed off into the night.

  After a few minutes of walking, you had finally made it to Usui's apartment. You entered the nice building and took the elevator up to the top floor. The elevator stopped and opened its doors to let you exit. "Now room 213." You said to yourself. You then heard blaring music from one of the apartments. "Well now I know where 213 is." You laughed nervously as you grabbed the door handle shakily. You opened the door cautiously to reveal teens drinking and dancing, mostly socialising, but drinking. You closed the door behind you, luckily no one payed attention to your arrival so you skillfully made your way to the kitchen area to see liquor. "Why not?" You grabbed a bottle of vodka and drank from the bottle.

  "So you could handle your liquor?" Someone said behind you, causing you to jump, and turn swiftly.

  "Oh, it's just you Usui." You sighed and took another swig of vodka.

  "Just me?"


  "So you can handle your liquor?" 

  "Eyup." You said popping the 'p'.

  "Oh really?"

  "Is that a challenge?"


"Well, you're on!"
  Usui smirked and grabbed a bottle of Gin. "If I win, you have to go on a date with me!"

  "And if I win?"

  "I won't bother you anymore."


  You both started drinking a lot of bottles of liquor, and when I mean a lot I mean A LOT! In the end you came out victorious.

  "Hahaha Usui! I win!" You said.

  Usui groaned.

  "Here let me take you to your room to rest."

  Usui nodded. You slung his arm over your shoulder and wrapped an arm around his waist, slowly you both made your way to his bedroom. You finally made it to his bedroom and later him gently on the bed. You then went out of the room and shooed everyone out of the apartment. You lastly cleaned the apartment until it was spotless.

  Usui groaned. "Why did you clean?" Usui said as he was leaning on the hallway wall.

  You froze. "Usui, stop scaring me!"

  Usui muttered something that you couldn't decipher.

  "Anyway, you should be resting."

  "So I guess you win. I can't bother you anymore." He ignored my

  You sighed. "Look you could still bother me but if I say to leave me alone you have to ablidge!"

  Usui nodded and hugged you. "You know I love you, right?"

  You hugged him back. "I know." You said sadly.

You knew he was lying.


Ello love,

Woop woop!

Another update!

E.E. 💙💋✏👸

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