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Diva's POV



    The day."

    That's all I could think about.

    Today was the day that I would go "meet up" with Xavier. And of course I couldn't wait.

    I don't really even know why.

    Was it his fine appearance?

    Or his mysterious aura?

    I actually didn't even care. This was my day and Donte was out doing business. All I could think about was Xavier, Xavier, Xavier.

    His curly hair. His chiseled features. His soft smile. His fit body. His russet-colored skin.

    I stared at my curvaceous body in the mirror and frowned. When I was younger, I was chubby. People used to poke fun at me for being the biggest girl in the class. I wanted to change. But eating was my way of letting the pain go; kinda like doing drugs and drinking was ma's way.

    It took a lot for me to peel this weight off and I wasn't going anywhere with these last pounds.

    Besides, I didn't want to be a walking Feed-The-Hungry ad.

    After I showered and brushed my teeth, I pulled a little of my hair back into a ponytail and let the rest hang curly by my temples.

    I applied my natural makeup and returned to the dressing room where my outfit laid neatly on the leather chair.

    It was a simple lace dress, brown ankle boots, and fishnet stockings. I put on my wooden bangles and earrings and grabbed a matching purse to head out.

    I was so excited, I could barely breathe. What did he want to talk about anyways? So many things were running through my mind as I pulled into Parrina's Diner parking lot.

    I stepped out of my car and made my way to the glass double-doors.

    Suddenly, I started feeling horrible. What if this was all a trick? What if Xavier was just getting back at me for refusing to date him? What if—

    "Diva." A deep voice smooth as glossed wood caught my ears and my whole body. I turned around and there Xavier was in a plaid button-down and dress jeans. "Hey, Xavier." I smiled and hugged him. Xavier led me into the diner where we sat down in the back of the restaurant.

    "Thanks for coming." He said. "Of course." I tapped my nails on the wood table awkwardly. After that night at my old house, I couldn't stop thinking about what Xavier thought about me. Did he think I was a bad daughter who just went off on her mom any day, anytime? Because I wasn't.

    "You look beautiful, Diva." Xavier said. I grinned and pushed a strand of hair behind my ears shyly. I was only used to Donte telling me how nice I looked.

    "Thanks. And you don't have to keep calling me Diva. People call me Shorty."

    Xavier's eyebrows bunched together in genuine confusion. "But you're not short. So what's the point?"

    I giggled. "No, it means an attractive girl."

    "Then you are definitely a shorty." I laughed. "You're so...proper. Like, its weird because we live in the worst part of Atlanta."

    "Oh, I just moved here from Vermont two months ago."

    "Why?" Who would wanna downgrade like that? "My dad got this job at a popular company that makes expensive watches. They decided to have the company here to—I guess—enhance Atlanta and make it a spot someone wants to live or whatever. But at least I haven't came across any problems." Xavier replied.

    "Okay, wait until school starts back up in another month. I promise you, it'll be different." I joked.

    A waitress came over with an ink pad asking for our orders and our drinks.

    Xavier ordered a small lemonade and a plate of chocolate chip pancakes. I ordered the same even though it was six.

    "So...about that night," Xavier said picking with his pancakes when they arrived ten minutes later. "I don't want you to think this is all weird. Ya' know, that I'm trying to get you ripe for marriage or something."

    "Marriage? No offense, but I don't even know you like that." I said with a smirk. Xavier stayed quiet for moment.

    "Listen, it ain't you at all. Serious. It's my ma. I don't want you to think that I don't like you or something. And plus, it partly wasn't even my ma. I already got a boyfriend." I assured him.

    "That guy on the phone?"

    "Yeah. So it wouldn't be right for me to date you, whether it be official or not. Don't take it the wrong way."

    "Absolutely. I have a girlfriend so I completely understand you."

    "As long—"

    Just then, the one and only...

    Donte walked in with a little boy.

    I gasped, my heart speeding up. This couldn't be happening. Not now, not today. I ducked under the table knowing that if I was caught, Donte would embarrass us.

    "Diva? Diva!" Xavier just had to cause a scene and act like I just went into cardiac arrest or something. I could actually hear Donte's footsteps rushing toward the table knowing he heard Xavier call my name; since I was pretty sure that I was the only girl named Diva in the diner.

    The table wobbled and I peeked up. There he was, Donte strangling Xavier. Workers ran over to stop him.

    "Who the fuck is this?!" Donte boomed. My heart rate sped up. I couldn't believe he was doing this.

    The little boy started to whine. I hopped out of my seat, causing the table to shake and the plate of pancakes to fall onto the floor.

    Me along with the workers managed to finally yank him off of a startled Xavier. I could see the hurt in Donte's eyes. I couldn't keep staring because my eyes were watering.

    My chest was heaving up and down. But before I could even notice that I was making the situation worse, I rushed over to Xavier to see if he was okay. Xavier was rubbing his neck angrily. "Get away from me!" He brushed past me and stormed out of the diner. I watched miserably as his car drove down the street.

    I felt like something—whether it belonged to Donte or Xavier—vanished inside of me. I knew Donte wouldn't be able to trust me...ever again.

    "How could you?! Got me in this bitch actin' a fool," Donte yelled. He turned to the workers who were still holding him out of fear he might come for my throat too. "Get the hell offa me!" Donte pushed past the workers, picked up the little boy, and got into his car, speeding down the street.

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