Nathan Reid

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Cole is waiting for me on the front porch of the packhouse when we pull up. I guess Kawan is dropping me off before parking the car in the underground garage. The minute he sees the car he is fast walking towards the car. He wastes no time in ripping open the car door and pulling me into his arms. "I was so worried Dani." Cole pulls me even closer if possible. I don't fight him; his body language is showing me that he was truly scared for me.

"Do you know who the man was?" I ask my Alpha mate. Cole releases me from the hug but keeps me glued to his side. "Based on the description Denzell gave us we think we know who he is; Jorden and I just need someone to identify him." "I think I can identify him." I offer. Cole nods and leads me inside the house. He bends down at bottom of the stairs, allowing me to jump on his back. "Did he hurt you Dani?" I shake my head, "Denzell showed up first." Cole squeezes my thighs a little tighter, reassuring himself that I am still here and unharmed.

Jorden is spinning around in Cole's desk chair when we enter the office. "What the hell are you doing Fly?" Cole smiles at the sight of his best friend. "I can ask you the same thing." Jorden replies gesturing to me. Cole just sighs and sets me down. Jorden straightens up in the chair and pulls a thick folder out of the left desk drawer. "Hold on, let me find Nathan's file." A few moments of shuffling through papers later and Jorden pulls out the one he is looking for.

"Nathan Reid, he's the leader of the Hunters' son." He begins to explain while holding up a picture of the man from the store today. "It's him." I confirm before continuing to listen to Jorden explain what they know on Nathan. "We haven't been able to identify the leader yet though. He works behind the scenes and sends his son to do all his dirty work." Jorden exclaims. My breathing hitches. No it can't be.

I stumble causing Cole to catch me. "Dani what's wrong?" His voice comes out a higher octave than normal, showing me his panic. "M-my Father's last name is Reid."

"Well shit." Jorden blurts out causing Cole to send him a glare. Cole sits me down on the couch before kneeling in front of me and placing his hands on my thighs. "Did you know you had a brother?" he questions. I shake my head. "Different mothers then." Jorden hums in conclusion. Cole glares again efficiently shutting up the brunette who begins turning in circles in the office chair again.

"Why did he stay with us if he had another life somewhere else?" I question. "Is Nathan older than me?" "Did he know who Father was growing up?" A million thoughts are floating through my mind, only a few I actually voice.

"Calm down Dani," Cole urges, "It won't help to stress." "Stress Cole," I snap. All of the hurt that has been harboring and growing in me finally takes over my emotions and I feel completely and utterly tired and upset with how my life has gone previous to Cole.

"I just learned I have a fucking brother." Cole winces slightly at hearing me use such language for the first time. Before he can open up his mouth to respond, Jorden cuts him off.

"If I may say something," he chides, "I believe you are missing the good news. Dani's Father is the leader of the hunters." Cole and I both freeze, but for two entirely different reasons. Where Cole smiles, I frown. "That is great news." Cole says at the same time I say, "My life is even more of a lie than I thought it was." Cole wipes the smile off his face and turns to me. Jorden stands up to leave, "It looks like you two have an issue to sort out, so I'm going to go. But I'll tell Grandad that we have uncovered the leader's identity and that Nathan is in our custody." "Asshole!" Cole calls as his friend walks out the door. "Suck it!" Jorden yells back.

Despite the whirlwind of emotions that are flowing through me the interaction between the two best friends has me crack a small smile. I feel Cole's hands come up and slowly clasp mine, his thumbs softly rubbing soothing circles onto my wrists. "Dani I understand this is a lot to have thrown at you but--" I cut him off. "I want to talk to him." Cole's eyebrows furrow before he tenses. "No." He is quick to answer. "Please." My voice cracks. Cole sighs before nodding. "Yes, fine, but please don't leave my side." I agree knowing this is the only way to get my answers.

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