The Service

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I grip Cole's hand tighter as some pack warriors carry in the bodies of Nona and Grandad. As Alpha and Luna we sit in the front row, closest to the pyres. I close my eyes as the bodies are covered by a sheet and tied to the wooden stake by thick, tan, rope.

Family or not, Cole must lead the ceremony. He stands up and walks over to the pyres. He starts the service by getting down on his knees and slicing his hand with the ceremonial knife. "Today we release the spirits of Hank Emil Richards and Loretta Elvira D'Angelo Richards." The drops of blood fall from his hand to the grass in front of the pyres. "May the calming scent of lavender and bluegrass help guide your spirts to the realm of our Goddess." He tosses the herbs so that they cover the sheets.

"You have served us well, as both warriors, and our past Alpha couple. Blood Moon thanks you." Cole bows his head and returns to his knees. "Alpha, you have been brave and strong, intelligent and humble, fair and trustworthy. I am releasing you now of this duty. You have done well. You have earned the right to eternal peace with the one you love in our holy realm." Cole stands up and accepts the match from a warrior. "May the Goddess guide you." With those final words he releases the match and Grandad's pyre goes up in flames.

Cole then moves to shift his attention to Nona. "Luna, you have been caring and kind. You have served beside your mate well. May you continue to nurture us from your new home with our Goddess. It is my honor as the Alpha of the Blood Moon pack to reunite you with your next of kin, your brother."

Cole steps back and sits by my side. "I love you." He whispers while pulling me close. The man introduced to me as Zio steps forward and accepts the match from the warrior. "May the Goddess guide you dear sister." And following her mate's Nona's pyre erupts into flames.

Now is the time when the others come forward to pay their respects and say their goodbyes to the late Alpha and Luna. "You did well." I smile and kiss Cole's cheek. He pulls me in for a hug and squeezes me tight. I know this is his way of seeking comfort for losing the people who raised him.

"She was only 59." Cole mumbles into my hair. "Nona was only 59 and Grandad 64." "So young." I push back my own tears and allow Cole his time to mourn.

We are interrupted by shouting. Cole growls low and pulls away from me. "Who dare interrupt my grandparents' service?" People close by visibly flinch by his deadly tone. The crowd parts to show Angelica, Parker, Alec, and much to my confusion, Ames.

The Alpha King attends the service of other late Alphas. Jorden's voice floats through my mind. My eyes shift, scanning the crowd but I don't see him.

Upon noticing his cousin Cole settles his anger, "you four my office now. We will discuss this. Everyone else continue the service. Cousin, thank you for coming. Jorden," Cole turns swiftly to make direct eye contact with his best friend. Damn he's good. Rowan wasn't kidding when she said Cole always knows where the brunette is. The crowd parts slightly, further revealing Jorden who is leaning up against a tree. "This meeting is optional for you." Jorden nods but no emotion is shown on his face.

Cole wraps his arm around me and together we lead the group towards the office. I think we are both relieved to see that Jorden did in fact not follow us into the office.

"Spill." Cole demands the moment we take a seat behind his desk. Ames stiffens but doesn't talk, Alec is staring blindly at the wall, as if having an internal battle, and Angelica is staring dreamily at Alec.

Cole brings his fist down on top of his desk making Angelica jump. "START TALKING NOW!" Don't mess with the Alpha on his grandparents' service day.

Shocking us all, Parker is the one that speaks up. "I met my mate." I look at Ames and watch as his arm shifts to be around Parker's shoulders. I then turn my gaze to Alec. Memories of the words he said to me that one day back when he confessed to being gay float through my mind, oh poor Alec.

Angelica notices this and speaks up, "its ok, Alec has me." Cole shakes his head. "Angelica, Alec was not present when you slept with him; he loves another." His eyes briefly meet Parker's before looking away. Alec doesn't even move, lost in his... demons.

"It's his mind." Parker briefly explains. His explanation is cut short when the door opens revealing none other than Jorden himself. He looks at nobody but Cole upon entry. "It's Ace." He explains causing Cole's eyebrows to furrow.

"DID." Jorden elaborates. "When we were growing up my dad used to have some suspicions of a change in Alec. He'd try to get Alec to admit that something was going on but he never did. I found the research on DID one night on my dad's computer and put two and two together."

"I confronted Alec about it a little while ago. I told him I knew and he didn't have to hide it and he said the voice in his head belongs to Ace." Cole's features slightly shift into one of hurt, no doubt from Jorden keeping secrets from him, but he quickly covers it up. He then resumes professional mode and turns to Parker and Ames. "I am happy for you both. Although Cousin, it appears that you must step down now. We will discuss your plans in a moment."

"Angelica, there isn't much I can tell you except you won't ever have Alec. Tomorrow you will go home to Italy and you are not welcome back here." "You will leave, and you will not stay in contact with anyone in Blood Moon." He turns to Jorden as if asking his permission. The brunette nods at the idea which has my heart breaking for him.

"Jorden." Cole stops what he is saying and speaks to the man in the mindlink before continuing his order out loud. "Take Alec to his room and leave him to heal and process." Jorden nods instantly and leads the still lost in thoughts, or I guess Ace, Alec out of the room. Angelica soon follows, a frown evident on her face due to what Cole had told her.

Cole finally turns to Ames, giving him the silent signal to spill his thoughts.

"I have to step down, my brother he can't rule, he is mateless. You are the only, legitimate heir to the Du Val throne at this point. Grandma and Grandpa must take over and rule until your son is of age." Cole stiffens and pulls me closer to his side. "There is no other way?" He finally asks. Ames nods, "Not unless my brother finds a human lover. Then his children's children will be legitimate heirs. But, that is a generation off."

Cole sighs loudly before speaking, "Will you and Parker be going back to France?" Ames nods, "We will leave in four days' time; the respectable amount to stay for the loss." Cole nods and shakes hands with his cousin. "I trust you will tell Grandmother?" Ames sighs but nods. He puts his hand on Cole's shoulder, "I am truly sorry for your loss, and I wish the best of luck to you both." He makes eye contact with me, "I am sorry it had to be this way."

Cole plops down on the couch once Ames and Parker leave. I sit down on his lap and rub his back in an attempt to soothe him. "Explain please." I whisper.

"When a human has a child with a werewolf, the baby is human but carries the werewolf gene." "It is only when a werewolf, and a human that carries the gene, procreate that a werewolf child is born. Or two werewolves mating can produce a werewolf offspring." "You carry the gene, I am a werewolf. All of our kids will be werewolves." He explains. "My other cousin, the one you worked for, is mateless. At most he can have a child with a human and then those kids would only carry the gene. It would be the next generation that produced the werewolf."

"Well damn." I mutter once I realize the situation we have just found ourselves in. Cole nods slightly, "Well damn is right Dani." 

Question of the day: Would you all be willing to read the sequel in another year? Because that's how long I need to write it.





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