Shopping Trip Fail

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"Bye Nona." I smile and close the lid of the laptop. After returning home from Ohio the boys jumped into trying to find the location of Father as well as who my mother was. They have been unsuccessful in solving both mysterious. Not even Nona or Grandad knew who would have had Nona's number all those years ago.

Letting out a deep sigh I sit and think about how boring my days have been this past few weeks with Nona gone in Italy and Cole and Jorden locked up in the office trying to uncover the mysteries this war has brought upon us. Cole reminds me every night when he pulls me close and we cuddle and read before falling asleep that I can come in the office and help with the battle plans, but I never do. No matter how much confidence Cole and the pack has helped me gain, a little part of me will always be scared to stand up to my father. I haven't told Cole this, but I am also scared to find out my mother's identity. What if she and Nona didn't like each other? I mean they obviously knew each other at this point. I don't want to taint the memories I have of her by finding out who she is.

I didn't realize I had spaced out, lost in thoughts of Mama, until a certain 5'9 blonde is waving her hand in front of my face. "Hi Rowan." I smile, actually excited to see the female pack member. "Hey Luna." She responds. "Please call me Dani." Rowan nods, "Will do. Dani would you like to have a day out in the town with me?" I can't help but get excited. "Yeah," I nod, "I would like that." "Great," Rowan smiles, "Let me go get my wallet and car keys and we can go." "Sure, I'll meet you back here." I quickly head towards the stairs and make my way towards the office.

"Hey Cole." I call opening the door. His head snaps up at the sound of my voice and he smiles at me. "Come here." He calls opening up his arms and scooching his chair away from the desk. I walk over and sit on his lap, laying my head on his shoulder. I sigh in bliss, loving the feeling of Cole's arms around my body. "I feel like I've been spending too much time in this office and not with you." I don't argue. I have hardly seen him since we returned from Ohio. "That's why I am going to take you out and spend the whole day with you." I frown. "I'm so sorry Cole but I came up here to tell you that I was going to spend the day out with Rowan." Cole furrows his eyebrows, "Rowan Anderson?" "I shrug, "I don't know her last name." Cole opens up one of his desk drawers, "Here's the credit card." I gasp shock. "Your credit card?" I question in confusion. Cole smiles and kisses the tip of my nose. "Well ours, I did tell you back in France that what is mine is yours. Also, what did you think you were going to do in town?" I shrug, "You're right." "I'm going to send some warriors with you guys. You never know with the war going on right now." "Ok," I peck his lips, "I'm really sorry about foiling your date plans." Cole chuckles, "Don't be baby; have fun with Rowan, I'm going to try and limit my time in the office to only a couple hours a day. That way I can spend more time with you." I smile and stand up. "Hey Cole," I ask from the door, "How do you earn your money?" "The pack owns multiple businesses throughout the state." That makes a lot of sense. "Bye." I shout before skipping out the door in excitement.

By the time I get to the door Rowan and three men are waiting for me. Rowan gestures towards the men, "I'm going to go out on a limb and guess this is for your benefit?" I blush causing her to laugh. "Come on Dani, I don't know about you but I am hungry. Lunch?" "Sure." I respond.

Rowan leads me down the steps towards the underground garage. "The warriors are going to follow behind us in their own car. They are basically a shadow and won't bother us unless we have a problem." She explains. "What are your names?" I question the three. "My name is Ethan Luna." The tall red haired warrior exclaims. "It is an honor to serve you Luna, I'm Kawan." The blonde states while shaking my hand. The third is the most muscular of the trio. "I'm Denzell, Luna." He grunts just like Cole would have.

The moment the introductions are done Rowan grabs my arm and whisks me away to her car, a small red bug with furry dice dangling down from the mirror. "Now lunch." She exclaims after we are settled in her vehicle and are pulling out of the parking garage.

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