Final Battle

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I am jostled out of sleep with a gasp; Cole is shaking me awake. "Wake up Dani." He pleads. It has been exactly three days since Cole turned 24 and since the service. That means it is my 18th birthday.

"You have to get up Dani!" He continues. "Come on wake up! Nathan and the other Hunters are here." "It's a battle, come on now baby open your eyes."

My eyes shoot open at the mention of my half-brother. Cole smiles at me, his voice softening. "Get up baby. You have to hurry."

I follow him as he drags me out of our room. We fly down the hallway until we stop right outside of Cole's office. "Stay in here Dani. Please." He ushers me in and opens up his desk drawer where he pulls out a gun and shoves it into my hands. "Stay down, don't let them see you through the window. Put your back to the wall and aim the gun at the door. I don't have time to take you to the hidden room" "Shoot if a hunter walks in." He kisses my forehead. "Stay save baby. I love you." With those final words he was out the door before I could respond. Stay safe. I send. I will love. He responds.

"Happy birthday Dani," I mutter to myself in complete and utter sarcasm.

POV: Alec's

I am awoken from my slumber by pounding on my door. "Get up Alec!" Beta Jorden shouts. "Hunters!" Ace doesn't fight me on my decision to defend the pack; he knows we could both let off some steam.

I run from my room and down the stairs. The need to protect my people is strong. The minute I am out of the pack house door I shift into my wolf. Being in wolf form is the beautiful feeling of having fur and four legs. My senses heighten and I can sense the hunters hiding in the tree line. I know they are armed, but when I'm a wolf, I'm unstoppable; I am powerful.

I see the other warriors start to pull the hunters out from behind the trees and bushes and bite out their necks to end their lives.

I see a tall, black furred, purple eyed wolf engaging in one on one combat with three hunters, Alpha. I rush forward and fling two of the hunters off of him. One cracks their neck when he lands, instantly dying. Alpha nods at me and resumes his fight; easily ripping out the heart of his opponent.

I turn to my hunter and growl in both anger and intimidation. The look of pure terror over takes her face and the scent of blood wafts into my nose. Instead of feeling disgust I feel my strength surge. The power propels me to attack her. No need to play coy, the more I can eliminate the better.

I easily rip out a chunk of her flesh and leave her to bleed out. Who should be my next victim? I lose track of how many hunters I kill. Blood stains my teeth and claws. My fur is matted down by the sticky metallic pleasure. Nothing brings me a better high than a battle. Everywhere I turn bloodshed and death is left behind. No mercy. You can't afford to have any mercy with your enemies.

I am on a rampage, a killing spree. Nothing is able to slow me down. Nothing until I hear a whine I have come so accustom to hearing. I close my eyes as the memory of a few nights ago rips through my head.

I look up at him, my eyes on the verge of tears. Silently begging him to not go out the door, to not turn his back on me, to not run right into the arms of another. For a second I believe his eyes held regret, but just as suddenly as the emotion appears it is gone. In its place is not the green eyes I have come to love. Instead, these eyes are cold, dark, and almost black. They fit perfectly on his face. The same face I fell in love with, yet so different then the face I have come used to seeing. "It's over Alec." He turns to leave but I grab his arm. Again he looks at me with those lifeless eyes. I shudder. He heads towards the door again, but this time I think I hear him say something under his breath. But I know my ears are playing tricks on me. There is no way that Parker still loves me.

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