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I sit at my desk my fingers swiftly typing away on my keyboard. My eyes slightly shift from my computer screen to the commotion going on at the reception desk. It isn't normal for this place to be filled with chaos. Mr. Du Val is very selective on who works for him, he only chooses the best of the best for his company. Francis always jokes with me, asking how I managed to land a job at SugarRush enterprises. But quite frankly, I don't know how it happened. I'm just thankful it did. Even though people here in France are nicer than those in America, it is way harder to get a job. Nobody wanted a foreigner that couldn't even talk. I was majorly surprised when I ran into Mr. Du Val in a small café and he offered me a job. Yes I can say I am one of the few who have actually met this young entrepreneur in person.

Someone clears their throat catching my attention. "Eli," Ann Marie Mr. Du Val's personal assistant tells me, "You are wanted in the boss' office." I visibly gulp before standing up. The last employee to get sent to the office never returned. My coworkers have definitely shared all the Du Val horror stories. Anything from he kicks them out through the window, to he is secretly a vampire and sucks their blood before he dumps their bodies into a secret room he has.

I follow Ann Marie up to the top floor. To say I am nervous would be an understatement. Would I be the first to make it out alive? Or would I suffer a fate like all the others; whatever fate that may be. Just as Ann Marie opens up the door to the office a thought strikes me. Cole. I will never get to say goodbye to the one person that has made me truly happy; even though I am scared of him and his kind.

"Eli, glad to see you." Mr. Du Val smiles and motions me closer. I hesitantly step over to his desk and sit down in the open chair. "I have a favor to ask you." I automatically tense, what kind of favor. Mr. Du Val just continues. "My cousin is in town, and I know this is a lot to ask, but I am wondering if you can show him around. He hasn't been to France in many years and even then we lived in southern France and he doesn't know the area very well." I look at Mr. Du Val before writing a question that occurs to me. Why me? Mr. Du Val chuckles. "Well you both are from the state of Montana. I figured you would be able to relate to him." I sigh. Ok I will be the tour guide for your cousin. Mr. Du Val smiles, "Wonderful, thank you so much Eli, you saying yes takes a major lift off my shoulders. He texted me this morning that we was getting on a plane and coming over, so when he gets here I'll send him to your desk, or I might just call you up to my office. You can have all the paid time off that you need." Thank you sir, truly. Mr. Du Val smiles. "No thank you Eli."

On that final note, I leave the office to return to my cubicle.

I try to ignore all the surprised looks from my coworkers as I walk back to my desk. I feel like I am doing the walk of shame; courtesy to Jorden for teaching me what that meant. I silently laugh, the walk of shame. I am far from experiencing the walk of shame.

Many hours of typing away on my computer later and Ann Marie comes back for me. "Mr. Du Val's cousin has arrived. You have the rest of the week off or more depending on how long he wants to stay. Oh and Eli, you are one lucky girl." I ponder what that last part was supposed to mean while I follow her to the office for the second time today. Why am I lucky? I am far from lucky.

I can hear two voices talking back and forth inside the office. Somehow I can't bring myself to open the door and approach the cousins. My heart starts to thump inside my chest and my hands begin to sweat. It is suddenly much harder to breathe. It has been a long time since I've experienced these feelings and for the life of me I can't figure why I am feeling them now in this particular moment.

Finally, I gain the courage and I open the door. "Ah, cousin, this is the girl I have assigned to be your guide and help you around town. Her name is Eli Suer and she is also from the state of Montana." Mr. Du Val continues to drown on and on about me, but I'm not listening. My full attention is on the honey brown eyed man in front of me.

"Dani?" Cole breaks the silence. His tone is a mixture between relief and pure sadness. I'm not ready for this. Seeing Cole is freeing emotions that I have had locked down deep inside me for months. Cole takes a step towards me and I take one back. "Dani." Cole says my name again. By this point I am somewhat hyperventilating. This time Cole doesn't ask, he walks right up to me and takes me in his arms.

"Listen to me Dani, breathe with me ok, in, out, in, out, in, out." It was like both of us forgot Mr. Du Val was in the room. It was a small moment that was shared just between the two of us; between two lovers. That was until Mr. Du Val cleared his throat.

We both swivel our heads to meet the eyes of my current boss. Immediately I scoot away from Cole and stand on the opposite side of the room. "I take it you two know each other then." "She's uh, my mate. But she kind of ran away before I could explain."

My head whips to the side to stare at Cole. Don't get me wrong I've done my research on werewolves. I mean how could I not read up on the horrible beasts that killed my childhood best friend right in front of me when I was 12 years old? Nowhere in that research did I hear anything about the word mates.

"Dani may I hold your hand?" I look at Cole. I'm supposed to be scared of him, yet he has always made me feel safe and happy. I have allowed myself to be connected to this man on a level meant for only those who truly hold my heart. I can't deny that Cole isn't that man, I did give my virginity to him for a reason. I finally give in to the inventible and reach out to grasp Cole's outstretched hand. I graciously breathe in the feeling being around him gives me. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it.

I lead Cole out of the building and down the streets of Paris. We stop for drinks, but mostly just walk around, hand in hand in silence.

Finally I pull Cole down the street towards my favorite local bakery. We order our pastries before finding our seats and sitting down; and it isn't until that moment that we actually begin a conversation. You have a lot of explaining to do.  

Question of the day: what is the best birthday you've ever had?





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