Chapter 1: Pardon me?

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Time: 421 AD, Kingdom Ages

Place: Feail

Before the Gun Age.


A shadowy figure sat at a bar, sipping on a drink, looking around.

"You've come here for years... yet I don't know your name." said the bartender

"That's because it is unimportant," they said back

"I know nothing about you." he sighed

"Because my story is uninteresting to most. Who wants to hear a washed up tale?" They smiled

"I do. Let me see just how... "uninteresting" this tale truly is." the bartender smiled back.

"Alright, since I have known you for years, Jakob, I may as well tell you... Let's start from the beginning, shall we?"


I was quite a young boy, a mere seven years old, with slightly longer hair than most, and a smile crisper than the sun. Well, that's what I have been told by an old friend. Growing up, I lived with my grandpa in a town called Feail. Small town, many miles from the Capital, but close enough all the same. When I was very young, my parents left me with him, under the presumption that they were unable to raise me. At the age of six, I started to assist my grandpa with work around the farm.

This work, which at the time was quite boring, was perhaps one of my happiest memories, be it from having no worries nor cares in the world to being with those you love most. From helping herd cattle to learning new skills. Feeding pigs, to plowing our dusty, poor quality fields. While we were not in poverty, anything we earned we had to with our bare hands, nothing was given to us.

Every Sunday, different princes would pass by, as a sign of our kingdom saying to us "We

Care About You!" although to be honest, while this was a joyous occasion, everyone knew what they truly meant- "We Still Rule You, No Matter How Bad It Gets For You!" Taxation, which came thrice a year, took over 50% of everything we owned capital wise. While there was always talk of times getting better, when you barely make enough to live an alright life, and they take most of what you have, people started to realize this was but rumors in the wind. Nothing more, nothing less.

See, what people didn't realize throughout this is that, inside of the Kingdom, the ruling family had more costs than gains without taxes. Not only was there a ton of Princes and Nobles which spent a small fortune, you then had the Knights who were created to protect the Princes, Nobles, and those of influences, and they cost a large fortune. Beyond that, on an even bigger scale, we have a much larger power protecting our and some of the surrounding Kingdoms, the Rangers.

My personal dream was to become a Ranger, because not only were they extremely strong, but everyone knew how they were the true protectors of us, the people. Most did not make much money, but on an organization of their scale, the costs associated with their movements were astronomical. All of these attributed to dark times for the citizens, but it truly could be much worse.

How do you become a Ranger? There are two ways which are known to us. Inside each Large City is a Ranger School, where the top few of each year were selected to become Rangers, which while it was prestigious, everyone knew they almost never made it far inside of the organization. Plus, the costs were as high as the sky in order to attend, unless you were a commoner, in which case you got in free of charge. Sounds great, right? Here's the kicker- the school wants you to experience hard times, so if you don't have the ability to pay the fee, there is no such thing as protection for you inside of it, most die before they make it far. This is caused by those who are jealous, those who won't submit to others, and the rigorous training involved.

The other way? That truly depends on luck, and that means becoming a Descendant(which is a student) of a Ranger. This was not known to me at the time, only much later did I learn this. I also learned what it meant to have a powerful backer, good allies, and an enemy who only thought of themselves.

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