31: Over The Horizon

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Dedicated to: ThePizzaGoddess odisparo

- Two black-clothed youths appeared out of no where but a few hours after the scene. One had their face covered, with their hair flowing out symbolizing they were female. The other, on sight showed it was Kaeliem.

"... We were too late." He frowned, downcasted that he couldn't bring the enemy back and extract information from him.

He looked towards the body of Mia.

"Poor girl, this is why mortals don't fight in our battles. If I am correct, this is the Princess of Castle Baijor. Do you recognize her?" He asked

Currently, the women had walked up to the body and knelt, making him ask the question, as well as seemingly worried that she did.

"No." She stated and he sighed a breath of relief.

"- but I wish I would have." Sadness crept over her.

"Who knows, maybe she would have been good to befriend. Killing one of those Wicken in return for her life is extraordinary."

"Lets go." He turned to leave.

"Wait! Im burrying her body." She lowered her hood and showed her face,it was Mira.

"... fine." He walked over and began to dig a hole.

Several hours later, and after a series of making a headstone even for her, they turned to leave. Kaeliem walked over, picked up the mans body and head, and left. Dirt was scattered over his body and you can see sweat starting to form.

"I wonder where her guards are at... More paperwork and I will have to send a message to her dad I suppose. He is the one who told us about their doctors death, and he must have sent out the girl in order to get on our good side." At that note, they left.

The gravestone was engraved with the message:
Here lies Mia, sister from an old life. She fought bravely and brilliantly against an enemy of mankind, and died to protect us all.
RIP Mia,
Princess, of Baijor


In a location just a couple kilometers away, Cam, as to now be called for the most part, was resting inside of a cave, medicine spread on her wounds and newly bandaged.

"Rest up." Said the voice. "Once your healed, you will be going through a much worse pain then you have ever felt. Exhaustion will creep onto you before you know it, and the chance of dying is near 100% who embark on this path. During this time of rest I will teach you many things about the path your currently on, and it will be up to you to survive until the end of the path."

"I know." I said weakly. Pain was terrible, but due to the medicine I was no longer at deaths door. After a few days I should be able to rest.

"Frella, what is the path I have started to walk on? What is at the end of it?" I asked.

"You.. are walking into the life of a Hybrid, Wicken and Froyic. Both races will wish you dead, but it is the same path Roman walked. It is the path... I set him on. But if you live, and if you can keep your state of mind during the time, then you could get revenge by the end of it. Let me remind you of one thing: this is no longer the path of a ranger. While it seems that your body will not change such as those Froya's, I guarantee you, your mind will be wrecked, and your emotions hard to control. Want to hear something even more interesting?" She inquired

"Im not sure I do?" I said honestly

"Every "Vampire" or "Werewolf"  , former ranger who has fallen from the path... tried to follow this one at one point in time! Do you remember the old story of the two fighting? What if I told you it was the same exact person with different personalities!?"

I sat there, unable to believe what I had heard. While unsure what was true and what was false, I knew I was about to hear the full story.

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