Chapter Eleven- Saving The Lass (2)

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--Three days later--

2 AM-

"Hurry up! I want her up and on that cross!" The Prince yelled viciously at the soldiers that were putting up the cross. His voice deeper, more dangerous than before. The mad man that was within him visible now, more seeable now and present.

Three men came walking over, dragging what someone could assume by the way it looked- was a carcass. Bruised, bloodied, and clothes torn up, you could tell that it had been abused badly. However, on sight, you could never tell it was female. "Her" hair had been pulled and ripped out in multiple places, "her" mouth gagged, yet no sounds came up. You could tell she had not eaten for multiple days, as the bones almost showed through her skin. On her stomach was cut marks, as if someone had taken a knife and run it across multiple times. Her legs were bound, but both feet were completely broken even if someone tried, there is a huge chance she would become a cripple. It looked as if someone had taken a sledgehammer to her legs, one at a time, by the indents on it, and how the area near them had swollen up.

As they drag her over to the cross and put her up, you can tell they care nothing for her safety, as they are not careful at all when they nail her hands in and tie her feet to it.

But the worst part is...the wait.

4 AM-

Nothing Happened

6 AM-

Not a thing occurred

8 AM-

Nothing Happened

10 AM-

The sound of something cooking in the sun, perhaps the meat the men were cooking, for lunch.

12 AM -

Sobs Could be heard from the girl.

2 PM -

Nothing happened still, and it seemed as if hope was almost gone.

4 PM-

"... he must not be coming. We will wait till nightfall, and if he doesn't show up, then take her down, and keep her as a pet. That may be all she's good for." The prince snickered. His hands behind his back as he gave the command. His eyes watching the road that led straight to the camp they were at.

"He will come" she mumbled through the gag. Her eyes looked dead as her head hung downwards toward the ground. Her body hung there limply on the cross. The blood stained and dried down her wrists as the blood oozed out of her punctured hands.

"WHAT WAS THAT? HUH? COULDN'T HEAR YOU, BITCH!" The prince spun around, his eyes wide and deranged as he stared her down, gritting his teeth together angrily as his fists clench tightly together.

At that, she shut up.

6 PM-

Nothing happened.

8 Pm-

As the soldiers had now set up camp and were ready to pack up, all thirty of them, finally something happened.

"Sir!" A soldier said to the prince


"Five of our men went to take a piss, and never came back."

"Did they meet with an accident?"

"No, sir. They just went to take a piss and disappeared. We couldn't even find tracks of then disappearing."

"Tsk, have their families sold into slavery, and their little sisters brought to "The

Finest Lady" whorehouse."

"..." the soldier said nothing. He knew his Princes temperament and knew how wicked his thoughts were.

"Send out ten soldiers as scouts. If you find them, bring their heads to me."

10 PM-

Nothing happened

11 PM-

"Sir!" Another soldier came to report, and it could be seen on his face he was

ghastly tired.


"Not one scout has come back. We found three of the ten, all had fallen into a pit and looked as if they had fallen in at the same time."

"... Send word to all men, we don't leave till it's dawn!!"

12 PM-

Nothing happened.

1 AM -

"Sir, we found the other scouts that went out... on their bodies we found a note addressed to you."

"Read it out loud."

"Sir, I don't know how..."

".. Give it here!" He snatched away the note."

( Dear Mr. Prince, you look like you have seen a ghost. Did you know these forests surrounding my Grandpa's farm are run by a monster? Guess what, asshole, that monster is me. Send more men to me, please. I enjoy a challenge. You hunted me down, stalked me to my farm, over something small. But do you know what happens when you poke a bear? I found out after doing it. They get very angry, very fast. You poked me by taking away my friend, and compensation is your life. See ya soon.


"..." as the prince read the letter, you could see his face turn different colors, from red to blue, to white, to red.

"Slit the girl's throat and tell the men to pack up!"

"Yes, sir!"

At this point, the prince was truly afraid.

Future Kael-

So let me end this part on a note in which you may be questioning for a moment. Will Mira die next chapter? Will the Prince die next chapter? Or will I die?(just kidding) but since Children around here whom I teach to read wanted to read this coming out, I figured, sure! Let's stop and make you wait on the good part >:)

Authors note:


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