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Who came out is someone I was hard pressed to believe it was them. The reason why is when I was really little, Grandpa would take me into town to play with other kids (and still sometimes does) at a local church. There the head priest would periodically have his daughter look over us, and her name was Xelia. While she was much older than us, and as children came and left, I was the one who was with her the most. However last year she suddenly disappeared, and we never saw her again. I once asked Grandpa about it and he said "she left to a better place, and she won't be coming back for a long time."

The person who walked out of the carriage was the very same person who left, the very same playmate, the very same big sister many children came to know. I almost ran at her, as she slowly walked this way.

"XELIA! XELIA!" I cried out to her, attempting to make her recognize my voice, or at least make her realize I am in front of her. She slowly walked past the guards, unto me, and lifted me up in a hug. Smiling for a long time, she set me down.

"Hi Grandpa Jack, how are you doing!" she smiled and made small talk with him. With that happening, I looked behind her and to the prince, at the moment it could be seen he was not thrilled with his moment being taken from him, though there was nothing to be done. Glaring dagger at me and Grandpa, he turned around and got back in. Noticing my discomfort, Grandpa started back at him, and Xelia sighed.

"Don't you worry about him." she said to me "He's just a grump guy but had a good heart. Hey, Kael, want to see some really cool things?" She smiled and looked at me with a look, daring me to take her up on it. Of course, I did.

We slowly walked to the carriage, and before much notice the Princes pulled up on the side. After a quick exchange of courtesy between him and Xelia, she agreed for him to ride by her side.

We rode for many, many miles, and through quite truly all parts of the town. At one point I felt sick, never riding for so long, as well as got very sleepy. Xelia eventually drove me home, but not before asking me what my dream was and saying she would try to help me achieve it. The prince heard this, laughed in mockery, but nothing could be done about that.

After getting home I thanked Xelia and the prince for their hospitality(not before actually getting sick on the prince) but afterwards, and a ton of apologizing by me and Xelia, did he finally consent to accepting it. What's awesome is earlier he even agreed to allow me to try my hand at Ranger School, and would personally take me there to make sure I suffered no bullying. At that point I don't know if it is true he will follow through, though.

Yet I was wrong, very wrong. The next day he showed up again with two carriages, the same one as yesterday he rode in, as well as a newer, silver barred one today. As he walked out, Grandpa came out from inside and ran up to greet him, huffing a little, spittle hitting the prince in the face. From far away it appeared Grandpa was trying to appease him, but I later found out the truth.

"Bring him out." the prince demanded. As the seventh prince of the kingdom, Crosha was very much a natural born leader.

"He is but a boy, and all wrongs can be fixed." he pleaded.

"Many can, but three strike and he's out. Ruining a march, that's fine. Monopolizing Xelia, I can deal with. Throwing up on me, and making me drive him home? Thats below my bottom line. I don't like others ruining what's mine, let alone ruining a day meant to be mine." he smirked.

"What your father think of this?" Grandpa hiddenly threatened.

"HAHAHA!! That is one of the funniest things I heard from a geezer like yourself. My father learning of this? Has he learned of the other things I have done? Tell ya what, I won't kill your kid today." he laugh

"Tha-" A blade from one of the soldiers sliced off his head from behind him, sending it spiraling into the air a small distance. Blood, spurting outside from his head, the crimson, copper smelling blood, coloring everything around it, even somewhat spurting onto the prince, because of how close they are. As it hit the ground, Crosha lifted it into the air.

"I won't kill him," he whispered into its ear, "Since you threatened me, I will make him feel pain

worse than death- fear of what's to come." he turned to the soldiers behind him. "Bring the boy."

Minutes later, I was inside the other carriage, barred from outside. In my hands was what Crosha had handed to me. When I passed by him, he handed me this and told me to "Take care of it. It is, afterall, all that's left of my family and home." As we started to drive away I turned back, in time to see my farm go up in smoke, my home burning to the ground, hearing the wails of pain coming from the barn animals, knowing they were getting slaughtered. From this day forth, my life is about to change.  

 The Rangers Descendant Book One: Destiny [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now