Chapter Twenty-Two: The Old Croon Is Missing

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1:05 PM-

As we stumble (she drags me essentially) back to Castle Baijor, we are met at the gates by a guard

"Hey, Quinn." She says to the guard

She smiles at Mia "Hello, your father is pissed at you "Princess"" she says jokingly

"Yes, yes... were currently on our way there... hopefully he doesn't get off his high-horse again... with him already being upset due to me leaving without telling him a couple years ago that I was going hunting, I'm afraid he may go berserk anytime im gone for a moment!" She said

"He IS the lord of the castle..." Quinn started to say

"Yeah, and a huge butt who only holds grudges. When I brough Cam back, he went berserk and almost had Cam killed."

"But he didn't have me killed." I said

"... I will go see him in a bit. And Cam, just remember I stuck my neck out for you that time, and to this day I don't regret it. I dont think of you as a servant or a pet, I think of you as more like a sister..." she said

"Alright, can we go? My foots hitting Mia." I smiled at her and said.

"... See ya Quinn!!" Mia said to her

"See yah!! And Cam, be more careful next time!" She said back

We walked up into the Castle itself. On the insides is a residential area. In here is where many of the local farmers, herders, and even the knight squires lived.

All of the houses in this part of the castle have their roofs painted black- the reason is because at night, any enemies who set their sights on the castle would look for easier to see targets.

Passed that is the Market District. This is where EVERYONE gets food, water, etc from, if they want extras. (The castle itself gives so much food each month to every family inside of the castle in order to keep hunger down. This is also one of the reasons that this castle is one of the most prospering)

One reason why they have this area after the residential area is so that everyone is able to communicate with one another. If you are seen causing problems here, or being extremely rude to someone due to class, then you would be pubished openly here.

Passed the market place is the manors, and inside of those are nobles. Usually these nobles have their houses painted white, or purple, but one manor on the far left is pitch Black, and that is the one were going to. Manor Baijor.

So, your probably wondering "if they want to not have class-hate crimes, why are they having classes seperated by this?" The reason is simple, someone will always want what others have, so in certain areas it is safer to put more guards (because nobles pay taxes, and if they want soldiers protection, they pay more taxes.)

As we step infront of the manor, I see one of my favorite things- the lion. In front of the place is a famous lion statue known as Grandoise Of The Wild. It is rumored that hundreds of years ago, this lion protected the manor from a rebellion, and in times of extreme desparity, it will come alive and save them (I heard this from Mia's dad. One night he tried hard to connect to me, after trying to have me killed a few days ago. Hes a nice guy... but soon you will understand why he disliked me on sight.)

Future Kael:  This chapter is finished. Next chapter I will do a flashback to when we first arrived, and why he hated me so much. After that we will be back to the main story line ;)

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