Chapter 3: I Got a Question

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After leaving the bar and traveling for a little while that night, walking the night-lit streets, the torches bellowing in the wind. People in a rush to get home to and from.

For blocks and blocks of red, brick buldings, I finally came to stop infront of a wall. Turning around I saw that several men from the bar had followed me.

2:13 PM -

The Drunkard said, "Let me tell you a story about monsters, the unknown, the strong against-"

"Mr. Drunk, what's your name?" I asked out loud. Not thinking of what I had said to the older gentleman.

"Who the hell are you calling Mr. Drunk?! Didn't your Grandpa teac-" The man stopped mid sentence as his lips looked frozen. He licked them anxiously as he fumbled with his hands. Looking over at the head in my hands.

"I'm sorry, kid... my names Roman, not Mr. Drunk, now shut up and listen like a good lass." His face still stern with me but his voice more relaxed as a small chuckle followed shortly after.

"I'm a boy!" I yelled at him defensively but quickly lowered my voice. The guards just down the hall would come if I got too loud and, if they came, not nice things would follow them. I gulped at the thought and kept my eyes on the man in front of me.

"Whatever, now shut up. Where were we? Oh yeah, the unknown. There were two men, one from a clan called Wicken, and one from a clan called The Freay. The Wicked are similar to what regular people know as vampires, except with a conscious. The Freay are like werewolves, except can't speak, but are more powerful. These two men fought long ago, for fifty days and fifty nights-"

"Not possible. I tried to stay up that long once and passed out." I but into the older man's sentence again. How can anyone stay up that long? He had to be lying to me because it's just not true. That's what Grandpa told me anyways...

"Kid, if you interrupt me once more, I swear to god... " He grumbled underneath his breath and gritted his partly rotten teeth. I saw his fists clench as he kept them by his side.

"Anywho, after fifty days and fifty nights, they had stopped fighting. Since it had become pointless as neither was side winning the war, they founded our kingdom. It is said that the Wicked King was losing until all of a sudden in the middle of the fight, he became incredibly fast, faster than the speed of sound, and was able to bring the Freay King into a draw. The fight started because The Wicken thought they were superior to The Freay, and thus called Freays 'slaves' since they could not speak for themselves. Now the King did not feel this way and punished those who spoke like that to a severe punishment equal to if someone spoke out against him or the crown, you still listening, 'boy'?" He asked brutally and I nodded. He began to carry on.

"but the Freay felt that this was not enough, and thus the fight started. Before I tell you the next part, I got a question for you. Who was right and who was wrong?" Roman asked.

"Hmm... well, neither was right."

"Why do you say that?"

Mira piped in "Yeah, isn't the Wicked King in the right?"

I explained my thoughts

"The question was who was to the right, and true, the Wicken king had the right to handle the situation. But the issue is he says "who was right and who was wrong" but doesn't ever say at which part. If were talking at first, then the Freay King was right. Once we learn that the Wicked King was trying to solve the problem, then the Freay King was at fault for starting a fight."

"Good, very good! For a young lass, you're quite smart!" Roman says

"I'm a boy!"

"Whatever. Now, remember I said they stopped fighting? And came to a truce?"

They both nodded

"Now let me tell you another part of the story let's call it the lost history. They are said to have come together and created an organization, with the Wicken being the public people and the people who decide the course of action, and the Freay being the behind-the-scenes people. Do you two know which organization they created?"

They both shake their heads

"They are said to have created the Rangers organization."

"That's only a tale, lying drunk! There's no way that's true." Mira pipped in

"Is that story true?" I asked

"It's what I heard, now let me ask you if Rangers were monsters, would you still want to become -"

"-Yes!" I nearly scream

2:40 PM-

Roman strangled me. He charged at me when I wasn't looking his way.

2:44 PM-

Mira kept kicking him, as her arms were shackled until he stopped strangling me.

2:44 PM-

I learned to stop interrupting Roman.

2:45 PM-

"Ok," Roman Said "Now, I have a question, Kael, if you could become a Rangers Descendant?"

"What's that?"

"It's like... a pupil. A person who learns everything a Ranger knows goes adventuring on quests with the Ranger, and-" Ramon stops taking

"And what?" Mira says

"Sorry, expected an interruption *cough* and does anything he can to protect the Kingdom."

"In a heartbeat. If Mira can come with me."

Mira looks at him with curiosity

"And if she can't?"

"Still would do it," I say blankly. What, did he think I would say no just because I can't have a friend come along? Idiot!

"Even if the Ranger was me?"

"... Yup."

"Kowtow to your father, for I will take you in as a descendant."

I look at him with eyes filled with complicated feelings. Well, three; One was the curiosity of how this drunk became a Ranger, one was questioning if he was being honest, and the third was what the hell is kowtowing.

"You are a Ranger?"


"You are being honest?"


"Two last things, one, can Mira come?"

"Not during training, she can stay in my house until you become a Ranger, but you can go see her often. When you're injured she can also help heal you."

"Last thing how do you kowtow?


3 PM-

I became a Rangers Descendant.

I learned how to know how.

I learned I did not actually need to do that.

3:10 PM -

I now have a faintly discernable skull on my arm, permanently engraved there by a dagger. This is apparently a sign of becomming a Descendant

Authors Note:

If you like this PLEASE message me. I will definitely reply. I love to hear your guys's thoughts as it helps me improve my writing!

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