Chapter 28: He Who Gave Himself Up To Greed (2)

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-Pre Note. This chapter is dedicated to  darkjas and Lorsenpiercer98 and Lauren8ob for your support!- :)

He stood there, no words coming out, no expression showing on his face. While unsure of what he was thinking, and wondering what he thought as he stood there, his eyes abruptly shifted and came to a rest on me.

"How far away are those two?" He asked me.

"No Idea. Mia?"

"Hmm. They should be withing a couple hours at most, and within a day or two at least. Yet, like me, i'm sure you can tell that those two are able to track you much faster, so my estimations is only that which a measly human can make at first sight." She lied, slightly, yet only to the degree that someone who was around her all the time could tell. Otherwise it was neigh impossible to tell a difference from the shift in her voice.

the man went quiet. At this moment, I took the liberty to draw my bow, noching an arrow, which pointed to the ground. Now, I know what your thinking, how could I be so stupid as to fire on him first when negotiations are still happening? Reasons simple, when you ARE a Wicken, you can sense one getting emotional, the mark starts to... pulsate. Although it has gone quiet while I am who I am now.. that does not change the... feeling it gives off.

"Mia." I whisper



As if detecting distraught in my voice, and my quaking yet unrelenting courage, she slowly took a few steps back before going into a dead sprint.

Why would she leave me? The reason is simple: I told her so. And I don't do anything without being sure of the results.

A few minutes passed, neither me nor the man had moved a muscle, until he finally spoke.

"Where are they coming from?" He asked, while twisting up his head to reveal sharpened, ready to use fangs.

"Mount Gryz." I state.

"Experts! he hissed.

"... Now that she is gone, shall we start? You already gave yourself up to greed, proving you failed to stay a Ranger. Whats wrong? Was the responsibility too great?" I said tauntingly. If your opponent gets angry inside of a fight, your chances of winning increase greatly.

He snarled at me, but instead of launching he lifted his hands and said "Give me your best shot."

Without hesitating, I took several steps forward, firing arrow after arrow, not one being more then an inch away from his face but ultimately he dodged the first volley.

"Is that the best you got?" He laughed

"Nope!" I smiled at him. Ever hear of a Richochet shot? Its where the arrows bounce off of eachother, all in order to turn the arrow and speed it up. Currently, only first three curved, but it was enough to make him have to turn, scraping past his face, and exposing his back toward me for but a moment.

Arrow noched, I fired.

Like a ray of light, it sped up to him before he could turn around, and penetrated his kneecap. This at least would slow him down.

"You bitch!" He screamed before starting to rush toward me. I feel behind me, seeking to grab more arrows and figure out how many I had left... Only 6 more.

I noched two of them, waiting until there is only a couple meters from him to me, and fired.

Both arrows hit the mark, one through his chest, and one through  his left arm, disabling him if seen by a normal persons point of view.

Without time to draw my blade to protect myself, his right arm grabbed my throat and lifted me up. Powerless, I was unable to stop him

 The Rangers Descendant Book One: Destiny [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now