32. The True Past

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Dedicated to kizzxoxoes

"Allow me to explain." She continued "What are you told happens if you are bitten by a Freay?"

"I was told extreme agony for several days, as well as if they are much stronger then us, then possible death."

"-and do you know anyone alive who has lived after being bitten?"

"No but thats because they are usually stro-"

"Wrong. It is because even if they survive, neither sides want them. It's like... a taboo. While some will die because of the bite, most are killed by their own kind. The reason is... changes happen, which I will explain. Long, long ago, before Wicken and Freay clans were founded, the truth is they were the same clan, of one kingdom, and of one mind. This kingdom was called Kikea, and the race that belonged in it were Maelstrome. My father, for instance, was of this race. However, due to incest, as it was believed to keep the powers inside of the clan, the kingdom went into gradual decline, and thus did the people. Many nations sought our strength, wanted to use us for... royal breeding, thus strengthening their own rulling power. Because of this, we were attacked on all sides, humans and other species alike. It is true, we are much stronger than humans, but you must understand something, we are not allowed to kill humans. Killing them is beyond taboo. Its truly forbidden, and if one of the Maelstrome killed a human, he because thus like a mortal, in strength and body. We may be able to live forever, but if a thousand year old Maelstrome killed a human, he would thus die due to age.

Eventually, we started to lose many of our people, going down from the size of a kingdom to pockets of resistance. My father was captured one day, and bred to my mother, a princess, which gave birth to me... The First Wicken.
My mother later gave birth to my brother... The First Freay. As we grew up, we did not realize the extent of differences between our line of thinking. We were like one person and one mind, until my brother went to fight in the human war, and came back with his powers intact but also bloodthirsty.

Soon after, I too killed a person, an assasin sent after me. While accidental, the human had died, and my power as well remained. However my brother... could not give up his want for power, greed, and to kill.

Thus after years passed, and my father eventually died a slaves death, so did the ruler, and my brother and I split the kingdom as we could never accomplish much and our fighting got out of hand with one another, causing  much discord, and no unity to be found

We tried hard, mind you, to keep it going, but as more places invaded for land, both sides lost it all, and we ran our seperate ways. Many years passed in the blink of an eye, I had three children, who had 3 children each, who kept giving birth to more descendants, and once five generations were founded, thus we became a clan. However we had the right of turning others into our clan, also causing mass expansion. Nearly no one died from the change, and most did not ever have bloodthirsty thoughts, like the Freay had.

Well, my brother did the same thing, but most people he tried to turn died, as it is a much lower success rate to become a Freay. My clan... we looked down on them, eventually to the point where some Freay became slaves to our clans strongest, and small skirmishes started to happen between us yet again.

Years passed, the fighting worsened, and did our feelings. Me and him personally fought many fights, me losing almost all of them. But I won the last one due to successfully comprehending the True Path of Maelstrome, which is peace of mind, peace of heart, one with the world.

I knew though and understood change was a must, thus instead of killing him when I had the chance, I spared him, and asked to create a alliance between us, making the Rangers.

With that said, only Wicken and Freay are Rangers, and thus why you had to give up the path, in order to lead a new one.

After countless years, and much research, I found no men can be turned into Maelstrome, or rather its near possible, and wanted you to comprehend what being female meant.

Now that you know the full story, I want to turn you.. into a Maelstrome."

 The Rangers Descendant Book One: Destiny [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now