Chapter Twenty-Sadness Creeps Many Ways

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15 Minutes later after dead silence

*Knock Knock* came through the door, and out popped the head of Ranger Burke.

"Ah... sorry Kaeliem, I just wanted to see if Mira was awake." He said with a smile.

"Yes, sir! It was a pleasure to meet your Mira. If you need anything else, please, come talk to me..." Kaeliem said.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Kaeliem... please come back again..." I said. He is the first kind stranger I saw since waking up, and left me with a good inpression before leaving.

Kaeliem smiled back and left.

Burke stepped in and took a seat, then looked at me as if studying me.

"I am Ranger Burke... I am truly sorry about what happened... if only I arrived sooner..." he said

"No, I understand... It isn't your fault. I do have some questions though.."

"Please, ask away" he said smiling

"First off... how long was I out?"

"Twenty days."

"How long have I been here?"

"Sixteen days. We were a distance out but Mount Gyra is a terrific place to recover at and it is also one of the best places that was close."

"Why is there so much writing on the walls?" I asked.

"This... I don't even know, to be honest. We are at a place where scholars usually live. I was planning on us staying here for a while before going back..."


"... can I say something corny?" He asked


"I want you as my Descendant." He stated.

"... I will need to think about it..." I said.

"Thats fine. That is why we are here." He said.

"... ah, I have one more question" I said.

"Say three more if you prefer, haha." He said

"Who is Kaeliem?" I asked

"He is a descendant of mine... a good kid. Hes also about your age. He came from a tribe in the west known as the Croshiz. I owed them alot, and as a bit of repayment, I took Kaeliem in." He said

"Why did you owe them anything?"

"Because they saved my life from a group of ravenous killers. But lets get onto another subject- how are you feeling?"

"A little hot, but fine otherwise." I said

"Good to hear... any pain?"

"... only on my arm, but other then that, no, sir." I said.

"Good to hear... well I have to go for a bit, I need to do a couple things... I would suggest resting for a bit. Your free to walk around, but please at least take Kaeliem with you. He will be outside your door at all times, and no, he is not their to prevent you from doing thing, only to make sure you stay safe." He said.

"Alright.. thats fine. Thank you very much." I said.

With that, he left.

Hours had to pass, it was almost dark out, but the time just before. It was beautiful.

"Kaeliem?" I said as I stuck my head out

"Yes?" He said smiling back

"... will you go for a walk with me?" I said.

"YES! I mean, *cough* yes Miss Mira. Where would you like to go?" He said smiling even brighter

I giggled a bit "around the garden?" I said

"Alright. Irs beautiful when Guillshades are bloomed this time at night." He said and then stook his arm out.

Without hesitation, I took it then took a step forward.

....Two years pass silently by...

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