Chapter 12: Here Comes The Monster

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Future Kael: please note, it is currently day four of the quest, at 2 AM, and of the starting soldier's, 15 remain.

2 AM-

"Sir!! Big news!"

"What?!" Almost screamed the Prince.

"The girl..."


"She's gone!!!"


2:30 AM-


"...What happened now?"

"The carriage is on fire."

The prince ran outside and watched it slowly burn. His face color changed drastically. Small traces of fear could be seen on his face. Looking around, he saw something inside of the carriage. The two soldiers who were supposed to be protecting it, were inside, both eyes cut out, and a silent scream on both their faces. There bodys left with the stench of nothing but horror as their lives had been taken before them.

"Hi, Prince."

Turning around, he saw a twelve-year-old boy facing him. In the boy's hand was a sword which had to be much larger than himself. In his other hand was ahead- the Prince's head guard, Xea (pronounced Shea)

However, even with him seeing this sight, he did not freak out and instead smiled- because from behind the boy came the Princes true head guard, the one from the shadows, and also a Rangers Descendant, who was Half-step from full Range, Groya.

When Groya was 5 steps from me, I turned around and swung my sword, full force, causing the danger from behind me to subside a little bit. However, only a little, because I could tell my opponent didn't even react much, only taking a step back and turning his arms around to dodge with his body, allowing me to see the skull on his arm.

But there was a major difference, while mine seemed to be changing more into a skull with fangs, he was more like one of a wolf skull. I will have to ask Roman when I get back.

"Boy, leave now, or I, Groya, shall slaughter you."

Groya, seeming to be a nearly middle-aged man, must have had some sort of confidence in himself. Even though he was stronger than me, which I could tell, I was sure he had no way of killing me. I'm pretty confident in my speed, after all.

"Old man, leave now. Or else I, Kael, shall slaughter you along with this prince." I said mockingly.

"Do you have to kill him? He has not harmed you at all, and this is a good tempering experience for him. You killed his men unjustifiably. We are both Ranger descendants, of different Masters, but you should know, at least I can back up my words."

"Hasn't harmed me? He killed my Grandfather, kidnapped my friend, threw me into a place to get sacrificed, tortured my friend, and then ordered her death. He challenged me out here to kill me. So I am in the right."

At this Groya turned to the Prince.

"Is that true?"

"This..." the prince did not say anything to. The prince being nothing but a coward as he said nothing. Looking down at the ground for a moment then back up.

Groya turned back to me.

"... While he deserves death, I can't let you kill him. If your friend is still alive, then can't you let bygones be bygones? If not I truly will have to fight you."

"I'm confident in being able to at least live in a fight, and take that bastard's life."

"... Can't you give me to face?"

I looked at him sternly

"I was taught that I had to remove all grievances from my heart into becoming a Ranger. You, a half step from, and of a different master, should know this and have started to fill out your grievances. Until I finish my missions, I know I shouldn't focus on this, however since I can remove it from my heart, I should today. I can forgive the prince under 3 conditions."

At this, the prince's face paled, and while he had silently walked behind Groya, he knew that if I had not let him, I could have killed him.

"You bastard, you have no right to ask for conditions. Peasants are here for licking my shoes and -"


A resounding sound came out from Groya's hand to the point where multiple teeth and some blood came out.

"... that was for me. I am also a commoner, but I understand why you dislike him as well. Let that be a personal lesson to him from me not to say or hurt commoners again, or I shall cut his 6 limbs off myself. State your conditions, Kael. But do not be too excessive."

"First, he and his men must rebuild and fix up my Grandfathers farm, and pay for it to look nicer than before. He has three days to finish it. He must also be one of the ones working on it, and he only has his soldiers to help. No slaves or other civilians to help."

"Done. Name the second."

The Princes' face changed color, turning slightly red from anger and blue from fear.

"Second, my friend is extremely injured. She needs the best doctors to come here and heal her. He pays for that as well."

"Done" Groya smiled. This is not excessive at all.

"Third, if my friend is unable to walk again, then neither shall the Prince. He must have his legs cut off if that happens."

"This..." even Groya did not say much. He could agree to the other two.

"I can't agree to that on my own, but I can agree with him having another punishment..." Groya said.

"Life in prison treated as a commoner," I said

At this, the Princes face changed colors again, but before he agreed, Groya said


After he agreed, I smiled. It is barely even 3 AM, and I did what had to be done. Of course. Him agreeing to these conditions was based on me not hurting the prince, and leaving now, however, I can always find an opportunity to kill him while he is outside the capital.

With that, I turned and ran into the forest. As a Rangers Descendant, so long as he knows my name, his Master can see the board of Rangers and know who and where I am.

I gently grabbed Mira off the cold forest floor, and while she was wrapped in blankets. Her body felt unmoving as she couldn't cling to me, I carried her, running non-stop until we made it back to Masters Cabin. He took two days to run there. He had completed his mission and saved Mira.


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