Time-loop (1)

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Lyla P.O.V.

"Lyla stop trying to help! Its your sweet sixteen party, you should be upstairs getting ready!"

"Mom, I have to be here. Im future Luna, I need to be here to great the guests from the other packs! What kind of leader doesnt greet their guests?"

"Upstairs now Lyla! Maryanne can help you get ready." I groan and let my cousin lead me upstairs, down the hall, and into my bedroom.

My cousin, Maryanne, is like a sister to me. She is my very happy, fun, free, funny, very weird sister. Maryanne is a free spirit to say the least and everyone who meets her loves her.

"So did you get a dress for today?"


"What do you mean 'unfortunately'?"

"I mean I didnt enjoy getting dragged around the mall by my mother and Aunt Marcy for hours when I had paperwork to do with dad for important pack business! You cant have this many packs and alphas in one place without organizing security and-"

"Sorry I asked!" She says throwing her hands up in exasperation.

I go into my closet and pull out the dress to show my over-eager cousin who squeals and takes it from my hands. Maryanne is currently making up for my lack of enthusiasm. Ever since Wes left this party has been pushed farther and farther up on my list of things I am not looking forward to. Right now its number one.

She tears the plastic wrapping off the dress before carefully laying it out on my bed. We get to work on my hair and makeup before I finally put on the red satin gown. Its a floor length A-line with off the shoulder sleeves and a small dip in the neckline. Maryanne wont stop swooning over it. Im swooning too, just internally. The dress is gorgeous and somehow makes me look allot prettier then I ever imagined I could look.

"You look absolutely breathtaking Lyla..." She breathes.

"Thank You. Lets get you ready now."

In less than an hour Maryanne has a full face of makeup, an intricate braided donut bun, and a beautiful high low pink gown on, gracing her petite form. The smile on her face when I let her look in the mirror was amazing. Her face lit up like a little kid in a candy store.

A knock is sounded at my door and I shuffle forward (in my six inch heels) to open it. My dad stands in the hall outside my door, a grin on his face and a bouquet of white roses in his hands. I can see straight past the smile and to the hint of worry that rests in his eyes. Ive always been daddy's little girl and thats not going to change if I fond my mate.

"Here you go sweetie, you look stunning," He says handing my the roses and giving me a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you daddy."

"Shall we?"

"We shall," I reply taking the arm he offered.

Maryanne rushes down stairs to let everyone know Im coming. I here instrumental music and I suddenly feel like Im getting married off. It just makes this while birthday party situation more annoying. I would be more excited but without my best friend here, I cant really wish for this night to go well. At least I have Maryanne and my brothers. My parents will be too busy mingling with the other alpha and luna pairs.

As we reach the top of the stairs I gently lift my dress and begin my descent. My dress flows down the wooden stairs gently behind me as my gold heels click on each individual step. Applause begins and I feel my face heat up. Is it really that great that Im walking down stairs?

We finally reach the bottom and I release my dress skirt to fall gracefully back to the floor. The pack house is full of hundreds of people from both Night Break Pack and visiting packs. I shake the hands of a few alphas and betas that I come across as I make my way to the outdoor gazebo area. I know thats where Ill find Jack, my brother and as of right now, my savior.

I finally make it to the small round building and plop down on a bench next to him. He glances my direction and raises a brow before returning to his previous brooding expression. If I had to describe Jack in one word it would be brooding. He seems angry all the time, but he is really just quiet. He doesn't talk to anyone and is really borderline anti-social on many levels. As far as I know his only person he really ever talks to is me. We have that "older sibling" bond that I am eternally grateful for.

"Running away from the ball princess?"

"Yes, and need you to be my night in shining armor."

He gives a short dark chuckle and glances at me before nodding in understanding. I spend the majority of the night sitting with Jack making fun of all the people getting drunk and laughing with him. Well, I laugh and he grins or, occasionally, smiles.

I eventually figure I have to get up and participate somewhat in my own party, so I head for the cake table. I cut myself a slice and put it on a gold paper plate, grabbing a little plastic fork and digging in. Its red velvet with cream cheese frosting, my favorite.

This cake is by far the highlight of my night... and watching that drunk alpha fall into a bowl of fruit punch.


The next week was all just cleaning up from the party. Having a birthday in late summer means getting to start school right after. Its like the present you never wanted. White Mountain High School isnt all that bad, but between homework and pack duties, it gets complicated. We arent an all wolf school, and not all the teachers are wolves, so I cant give them excuses for late work due to pack problems.

Every day drags on: Wake up. School. Homework. Paperwork. Meeting. Sleep. Repeat.

Maryanne went home after the pack house was all cleaned up. Her dad is the beta of the Twin Oaks Pack in Maine. Luckily New Hampshire and Maine aren't too far apart so she is just a phone call away, but its not the same. Jack has been like Jack usually is, quiet. We've had a few late night conversations but Im usually too tired after my long day. Dad is all business, mom is busy with helping expecting mates pairs prepare for their new pups, and Troy, Timmy, and Tommy are always in bed before Im done with my work. Wes is still gone and Im feeling sort of empty.

I wish I would have mingled more at my party, but if my mate was there, I would have smelled him. Im feeling sort of hollow and like Im in an endless, boring, time-loop. Its endless. Its boring. Its repetitious.

Ive been calling Wes every night but his phone goes straight to voicemail. I listen to him talk in his "beta voice" that he uses when he is trying to sound all professional, then I leave him the same short message. "Hey its me, I miss you, call me back." Sometimes I add an "Ive called a million times Weston pick up the flippin' phone!"

I miss my best friend. Without him I never have fun.

Next chapter I promise will be more interesting than this one, it sort of dragged, Ill admit. I hope you liked it. I added a picture of Lyla's dress for you guys. Thank you soooooooo much for reading!!!!!!'💖💙💖💙💖💙💖💙💖💙💖💙💖💙💖
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