Forgive (10)

396 18 2

Lyla P.O.V.

Marianne arrived three days ago and I still haven't had the chance to sit down and talk with her. Between pack paper work, training, school, and dealing with another rogue sighting, I haven't had time for anything.

I have this pain in my chest. A relentless pull to get away from it all. It's probably because I haven't actually seen or talked to my mate in days. It's getting progressively harder to focus on my alpha duties.

It's getting harder and harder to juggle everything. My parents are slowing handing me more and more to do; to prepare me to be a good leader.

I glance at my alarm clock: 4:46am.

I can't sleep. Why can't I sleep? It's not like I'm not tired. I'm beyond tired.

I hear the door to my bed room open softly and I open my eyes, shooting upright in the bed. Wes is closing the door behind him carefully. He turns around and sees me awake.

"Couldn't sleep?" He asks in a whisper;
just loud enough for me to hear.

I nod.

"Me neither," He sighs out.

We stay silent for a moment before he clears his throat and I look back at him.

"I was thinking....because it might help and.... We are mates so.... If you think- I mean- If you're okay with...... Never mind." He runs a hand through his hair in frustration.

I suppress a smile at how adorable he looks all flustered and scoot to the far end of the bed. I lift up the comforter, waiting for him to get the message. He does and soon his arm is next to me in my bed. One of his arms drapes over my waist and his scent has me breathing deeply. It's draws me in and at least the same time takes away the annoying pull in my chest that I've been feeling. Soon I feel him relax next to me as his breath becomes rhythmic and slows. It doesn't take long for me to feel myself drifting off too. 


I peek my eyes open to my brightly lit surroundings. I forgot to close my curtains last night. I feel something heavy on my waist. I turn in Wes' hold so I can face him.

He is still asleep. I trace my fingers over his face, feeling the tingles at the contact. He stirs and I watch as his eyes open, revealing the bright blue that I could get lost in for hours.

"Good morning gorgeous," I whisper

Wes groans and and I can't help the smile that appears on my face. He is the only one who I'm like this with. Joking around just isn't my thing, unless I'm with Wes.

"I have a million things to do and so do you so get up." I say, while untangling myself from my comforter. I move to get out of bed only to be pulled back down into Wes' embrace. He puts his nose in the crook of my neck, breathing deeply.

"Wes, come on get up."

"Why don't we just stay here?"

"Wes...I have thinks I have to do," I growl.

"Things that are more important than us?"


"Oh wait I forgot, your being Luna is more important than me." He mumbles.

I feel my heart faulter. He will never forget what I did. I will never forgive myself but I was hoping he could forgive me. I thought he might have.

I shoot up out of my bed and away from Wes. He sits up, regret written all over his face.

"Lyla I didn't mean it-"

"No, Wes, it's fine I just. I need a minute to-" I choke back a sob and run from my room.

I run down the stairs and out the front door of the pack house before shifting and flying through the woods. I run until I can't run anymore. I'm at the edge of our territory.

I shift back, not caring about my lack over clothing. I'm deep in the forest and patrols usually stay further inside the territory during the day.

I lay on the moss covered ground and let the tears fall down my face. It's completely silent here. No birds are singing. My crying is silent.

I knew not to expect for things to disappear. I would be foolish to think so. It just hurts to hear him say it. Sure he was half awake and probably wasn't thinking-

A twig snaps A few feet away from me and I slowly sit up. Their yellow eyes stare into my own. Two of them are in wolf form and the other stands between them. His body is covered in mud and his black hair falls to his shoulders in greasy knots. He has unkept facial hair and only wears a pair of worn jean shorts.

"What do we have here? A silly little girl, all alone in the woods?"

I cover myself as best as I can and sit up a bit.

"I'm not a little girl. What are three rogues doing in pack territory?" I growl.

"Ooh! The little girl has some fire!"

He strides forward and in an instant, he is standing over me. I move to get up but his hands grab my wrists. He leans forward with a grin on his face. His stale breath fans over my face.

"Let. Go. Of. Me. Rogue." I bite out.

"I like them feisty."

I jump up and shift attacking the rogues. I tear into the throat of the one who grabbed me, blood covering my muzzle. In a flash I'm fighting off the other two. The first lounges for me but I move to the side, causing it to fly past me. I jump on the second one, ripping into its flank. It claws at my side but I shove it away from me.

The first rogue returns and I quickly ran into its side. It falls onto the ground and I bite down on its neck. In an instant the body goes limp and I return to fave the other rogue. He growls at me from a few feet away and we circle each other.

This rogue doesn't know what he has coming. I have to let out my emotions somehow.

This is just what I need.

It's been too long since my last update! I hope you like this chapter! If you like my work, check out my other books as well! Please remember to vote and comment! Thanks sooooo much for reading!!!💖💙💖💙💖💙💖💙💖💙💖💙💖💙💖

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