Proposal (19)

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Lyla P.O.V.
I open my eyes to light streaming into my room through an open window. Wes sits on the edge of my bed smiling at me.

"Good morning princess," he says leaning over to kiss my cheek.

"Very good morning," I say grinning,"How long was I asleep?"

"Just over night, it's about 7am right now," he tells me glancing out the window.

I breathe in deeply, taking in his scent and the morning air before sitting up. I stand up, tossing my sheets to the side. Wes growls and I turn to him confused. He has his eyes squeezed shut and his fists clenched.

"Did you just growl at me?"

His eyes darken and he reaches for my sheets, balling them up and tossing them at me. I catch them in my hands just in time.

"What's wrong?" I ask looking down at the sheets in my hand for some clue. That's when I realize what I'm wearing. I blush scarlet and wrap the sheet around my legs quickly.

"Oops..." I mumble.

I shuffle into my closet and quickly throw on some jeans and a half-sleeve shirt. When I walk out of my closet, Wes is gone. I make my way to my fathers office to check on the rogue situation.

I knock lightly before opening the door and letting myself in. My father sits behind his dress, glasses perched on his nose, staring intently down at paper-work. What surprises me the most is Jack sitting behind my usual desk. I've been so busy with the pack and my mate situation I haven't seen much of my family.

"Morning Dad, Jack... any developments?"

Jack looks up to me and shrugs, returning his attention back to his paper. My father sighs and takes off his glasses, rubbing a hand down his face. He looks tired. It looks as though he has aged ten years in the past few weeks.

"It's being handled as best as it can but I have a feeling..."

"A feeling about what?" I ask moving to sit down in a spare chair.

"I don't know, it's a hunch. Things have happened elsewhere..."

"We need to worry about here and not elsewhere right now," I say pointedly.

"Of course."

The room is over come by silence for a moment. I stare at the plain design of my father's desk, different defense and offense tactics running through my thoughts. Suddenly the air in the room twists. I get an uneasy feeling and I look up quickly from my zoned out state. Jack is already moving to stand. My father clutches his hands to his chest his breath ragged and barely there.

I scream when he plummets from his chair and onto the ground. I scramble out of my chair over to him. He isn't breathing.

"Dad!" I scream, pumping my hands over his chest trying to restart his heart.

I feel the structure of the pack starting to crumble. I can't lose my father but most importantly, the pack can't lose their alpha. To lose an alpha can destroy us. We would fall apart at the seams.

I can hear Jack calling out for help through mind link. I can feel the panic of the pack members. It only takes a few seconds for the pack doctor to come rushing through the doors of the office, shoving me and Jack aside, away from our father.

I watch, helpless, as the doctor performs CPR. A nurse rushes in moments later. Tears stream down my face, I'm sobbing, trying to catch my breathe. Jack holds me in his embrace and I wrap my arms around his torso, trying to comfort him and hold myself to gravity. Trying not to let myself lose control.

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