Dream (14)

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Warning this might be a bit graphic and bloody.

Weston's P.O.V.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes before taking the box from my pocket. Kneeling on the ground of the small clearing in the forest.

"Marry me?" I ask.

She stares into my eyes with her own. They begin to water as a smile break out upon her face. I love that smile so much.

"Yes," She whispers breathlessly.

I let out the breath I was holding and carefully place the ring onto her finger. I stand quickly and take her into my arms spinning her around. I see my mark clearly displayed on her neck. She laughs and it's music to my ears.

But then there is another noise. The snapping of a twig. A deep growl and a fowl smell.

I place her down turns towards the deeper part of the woods. Rogues. Hundreds of them. Teeth bared and matted fur standing on their necks. A large wolf slinks forward from their midst growling as it's approaches us slowly. He crouches to the ground and our eyes meet. Fire blazes red hit in his glare. He moves too quickly.

In an instant he has lounged for me. Claws extended paws open for the kill. I hear Lyla scream as she jumps in front of me. I wolf's jaws close around her neck, killing her. I let out a strangled cry as her gorgeous eye stare lifelessly into my own. It's like a knife has been driven into my heart. My soul has been ripped away from me.

Before I know what happening my body begins to change into my wolf. Bones breaking and realigning in a blur as I attack the rogue wolf.
I tear into him, torturing him until he lays on the ground unmoving. Rogues surround me and bring me down. I can't even feel their teeth. Their claws cause me no pain. I'm already dead. I've been dead since the life left her. I lay on the ground as they tear into me and I let them. I search the ground between  the legs of the rogues searching.

I see her body lying in the ground many feet away from me. She is staring up at the sky. Her hair sticks to her cheeks from the blood. My mark on her skin has been ripped away. The ring on her finger glistens in the sun that peeks through the canopy of trees. I was her weakness and she was mine. I take one last breath and close my eyes, hoping I'll see her smile again.


I sit up in bed breathing hard. Sweat runs down my forehead and clings to my chest. I can't think straight. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and run out of my room.

I stop in front of her door and take the handle in my hand turning it slowly. Her room is dark as I enter and I have to squint to see. I move to her bedside and feel relief flood me. She's okay. We're okay.

I run my hand through my hair and let out a shaking breath.

"Thank you." I whisper into the darkness, moving to sit at the foot of her bed.

I sit on the ground and put my head in my hands. It felt so real. I hold back a sob. It could have been real. The situation could have happened.

A jump when a hand lands on my shoulder and Lyla appears next to me. She sits next to me and the ground and snuggles into my side. I put my arm around her pulling her even closer to me.

"What's wrong Wes?"

"Nothing. Just a bad dream."

"It wasn't nothing. I can feel how shaken up you are."

"Please Lyla I don't want to remember," I whisper.

Lyla P.O.V.

I wish he would tell me what's getting to him. I want to ease his pain. What ever is bothering him has got his mind in overdrive. His heart hurts, I can feel it. I just want to know why.

But he doesn't want to remember. I guess I can't help him with that.

I move from under his arm and stand up, offering him my hand. He stares up at me confused before putting his hand in mine. I give him a big tug, yanking him off the floor and connecting our lips. I wrap my arms around his neck and he grabs me by the waist pulling me even closer.

I run one of my hands through his hair. His lips leave mine for a moment as he grabs my legs hoisting me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and reconnect out lips. Suddenly I feel myself falling backwards and my back gently hits my mattress.

Wes' mouth moves from my mine and he kisses my neck. My eyes fly open when he finds the place his mark will be. I close them again taking a deep breath as he continues to kiss me.

"Wes Mark me." I whisper.

He growls and pulls away from me. Pain is evident in his eyes and something else. He stares at my neck as if it's poisonous.

"What's wrong?"

He just shakes his head and closes his eyes.

"Wes it's okay, it was a dream. It wasn't real."

I place my hand on his cheek and stare up at him. He opens his eyes and I don't break my stare.

"I love you Lyla." He says, moving to lay next to me. I snuggle into his side.

"I love you too Wes."

I know I promised an update and here it is! I also know lately I haven't updated much and when I do it's usually short but here is a pretty long chapter and it pretty good quality if I say so myself. It's not edited yet so... yeah but I hope you like it! Please remember to vote and comment! Thank you all sooooooo much for reading!!!! 💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜

Ps this chapter is as "steamy" as any of my books will get.

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